Chapter 9 -Cold fronts & Pillow talk✅

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They say curiosity killed the cat. I always say; curiosity might have killed the cat but the cat died satisfied... But then a cat has nine lives so it lived to tell the tale.

I have many ways to cope when it comes to flashbacks that sometimes leave me on edge or shaken. I run , do cardio, self defense or yoga. I haven't seen Duncan in over three years and I guess I'm doing all right; more than all right because I think I like someone. I didn't lay any charges on Duncan , he was well off and he could afford a good lawyer that could discredit me on the stand. I never really liked him because of his status or money . I liked him for who he was or so I thought before he became controlling and promiscuous. When I called him out on his unsavory and unsanitary behavior, he flat out denied it, and funny thing is I made him wait as in I didn't give it up to him because I wasn't sure I wanted to at that stage of our relationship. I wanted to make him work for it . Mainly because I didn't want to make him think I was easy. My independence streak didn't sit well with him. If I knew then what I know now I would've walked away. Maybe I wouldn't have scars if I had listened to my inner voice, instead of being impulsive. I can't blame myself for someone's bad behavior .

Last night was totally unexpected for lack of a better word. Angelo used Jane's key to "break in" and invade my space. He apologized for what happened earlier at the office. He ended up opening up to me about something heavy. I can't explain it; but I didn't want to see him hurting . As peeved as I was about the incident at the office, I understood why he reacted the way he did. I admit I wouldn't know what to do.
I was slowly coming around and waking up. It was still dark outside or the sunshine would have disturbed my slumber. Unless I shut the blinds. What happened last night? Hmm; nightmare , thunderstorm, Angelo in my apartment, Chai tea with Angelo , he was crying... Warm shower and bed. Okay I need to wake up. what the hell is going on, what happened the night before this morning. Come on Cleo wake up . Quick mental body scan. Head on shoulders , no beeping machines... (No beeping machines. Thank you Creator for another day of life) . Check. Oh my word my pelvic muscles are a tad bit sore. I didn't go into my toy collection last night after my nightmare and I keep all three toys locked up. My cunt feels different this morning and there is a heavy arm on my waist. Brendan and I have boundaries and he's my friend , eew no nah ah . Deep breath . Let me take a deep breath and opened my eyes.

" Morning ."

He smiled at me and I winced.

"I'm dreaming right ? You're not here. I wanted you but not this soon and if I'm not dreaming then . Damn you heart ."

The guy laughed and pulled me closer to his chest and ran his fingers up and down my bare back.

"Good morning Bella. Don't freak out."

Blue . I'm waking up next to a real life version of Hercules who has a sexy voice period and he's smiling. Air punch . How did I get so lucky. Oh I remember what happened last night . That's why I can't feel my legs .

"Blue .Good morning. Did you sleep well ?"

Angelo was smiling from ear to ear and he looked even sexier with his messy bed hair.

" Like a rock. After our sessions last night and this morning I'm surprised you're up... "

I started having flashbacks to last night and early this morning. No regrets. I slid up to face Angelo."

"Are you complaining ?"

Angelo looked at me and kissed me . I kissed him back and pulled away.

"I am not .You were amazing, by far the best I've ever had. Thank you for what you did last night. I will pay you back in full I promise. "

"No need to. We seem to have a fun way of coping . "

THE MASSA SERIES   Book 1 ( ESCAPING THE CEO)   BY K.C. MMUOEWhere stories live. Discover now