Wrong and Right

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Katrina's POV

My jaw dropped, as I slapped a hand over my mouth trying desperately to stop the laugh from crawling out of my mouth. 

I didn't just do that. 

I did not just throw a huge glob of birthday cake in the back of Ira's head, making this bitch fall head over heels first and face plant into the grassy backyard, at a child's birthday party. 

S.J. twirled in my arms as he looked at her, before he threw his head back in dying laughter. 

Slowly the kids that had stopped dead to watch, started to all fall to the ground in dying laughter. 

Sasha had tipped over twenty seconds ago with Klaus, currently dying for air as their loud ass chuckles filled the air of the birthday party. 

I'm not sure how it happened. 

She was just talking and talking and talking. 

And then she was walking away. 

And only a few words had registered, I won, he's with me, stay away, and I'm sorry, and then next thing I know S.J. is pointing at the cake in my arms. 

And before my very eyes, it collides with the back of her head. 

If my hands weren't covered in icing, I'd swear the baby did it.


But that bitch had pulled me aside, begging to speak to me. Begging me to hear her words, to clarify for me, what had happened. 

Yes, bitch, I know, you stole my fucking man. 

Like I need the never ending reminder. 

"I just want you to realize that he and I just connected on a level that someone like you will never understand".

Strike one. 

"I didn't want this to happen, but it did, we fell in love, Katrina. He loves me and I love him, he's with me, and I'm sorry you fell into the position as the loser here. I'm sorry I won, and you didn't".

Why did she even approach me?

Probably because I was holding a young child, and it take two hands to strangle someone. 

"I don't want to tell you how new and fresh our relationship is, you know that. We are growing strong together and I just need you to stay away from him, whats mine, while we fully develop our new relationship. I get you loved him, but I truly believe he is loving me better than he ever could have loved you".

Strike two. 

She was looking like the very definition of perfection, with her slim body perfectly flitted in a tight yellow dress, her black hair curled down her back, like a fucking goddess. 

And it didn't help that when I caught his eye from across the room earlier, he looked just as amazing as they day he did when I turned that fucking corner in that alley way. Dressed in all black, black jeans, a black short, and a black jacket. He looked dangerous and sexy, all at the same damn time. 

"I'm sorry for you, that you have to deal with this. But just leave us alone, I don't want to make anything else more unpleasant for you".

Strike three. 

It was like a tickle on my frontal lobe, almost like Carter or Blue's Mother, but I couldn't be for sure. 

Because I was utterly consumed by rage. 

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