Shitty Luck

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Sometimes, you just have to sit down and think to yourself, 'how in the hell did I get here?'. 

That little pesky thought was tap dancing on my brain, like a bitch as I sat in the gorgeous bedroom that I was sharing with Rhett. 

I sat at the vanity in pure shock as I stared back at myself. 

Somehow the servants in this huge castle had been able to detangle my nest of curls and made them shine and bounce beautifully. 

They had set out a very loose fitting and flowing outfit for me to wear. It was a long black shirt that showed all of my side and back, along with a pair of flowing white pants, that felt like being covered in a cloud. 

They even had done my makeup with nice natural tones to make me look like I wasn't some sleep deranged psycho who had escaped asylum. 

Rhett had chosen to stick with his own clothes that he had brought along with him. He was in a pair of nice black pants and a tight fitting green shirt that popped nicely against his tan skin and black hair. 

He looked good, and with the way he was just staring at me from his position perched on the end of the bed, it made something in me twitch. 

A small bit of sweat covered my palms as I smiled over at him. 

Apparently, the sun here never sets, so even though it was 7 o'clock at night, the sun was still shinning brightly in the sky, like an un-dying lamp. 

I sent Rhett a small smile, but all he did was look over at me without blinking as she stared at my face through the vanity mirror. 

I frowned as he continued to stare, no emotion on his face. 

I turned around from my seat and looked at him, our eyes a clash of swirling silver and brown. 

What is the perfect way to break a slight to mild uncomfortable staring contest? 

I picked up one of the bottles of perfume on the vanity and threw it at Rhett's face. 

He just barely ducked before it hit him smack in the face, before bouncing slightly on the bed behind him. 

His eyes were wide as he sat up straight again, looking at me like I was crazy. 

Perfect way to break up a staring contest. 

"What the hell, Kat?" he sighed, his mouth open in utter shock. 

I shrugged, still feeling that weird feeling in my stomach from his hard gaze that seemed to want to completely consume me. 

"Just checking your reflexes" I smirked as he sighed, just shaking his head. 

Any minute now, we were suppose to head down to the dinning hall, in order to share a lovely dinner with our host. 

Rhett's plan had yet to be really explained to me. 

He had told me that we were somehow suppose to collect some vital information that would aid us in stopping whatever psycho plan Cirron was trying to act out. 

Rhett sighed as he looked over, that annoying ass face that he had been shooting my way, since the plan ride on his face. 

I tried not to wince as he gave me that sad little look, like he knew I was broken. 

"Just say whatever you have to say, get it over with" I sighed as I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat watching him. 

His mouth opened before he closed it, "what did ... Carson mean when he called you a ... villain's whore?" he winced slightly at the end. 

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