To End Me

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Katrina's POV

My back connected with the ground hard, knocking all the air right out of my body. 

I quickly turned over gasping for air, my limbs shaking, my heart was beating so loudly it was the only thing I could hear, besides the ringing in my ears. 

I blinked, the dust had swept through the air again, clouding everything. 

I huffed before dragging my broken and bloody body up into a stand, peering through the dust. 

I could barely see anything, but my hearing had finally stopped ringing, and I could hear groans and coughs echoing through the field. 

"I broke my fucking ass" I heard Sasha groan, before I could make out her sitting on the ground looking blown away. 

Dust covered her hair, her face, and she looked dazed as she blinked around. 

Not a second later I watched Snake slowly limp his way to her, before pulling her up to her feet and yanking her into his chest. 

Slowly but surely, I watched all my friends and allies stand together. 

Some carrying other who were hurt and injured, but none of them dead. 

Thank god. 

Even Tracor looked okay, sitting there linking the wounds of his wings ... or the blood that had splattered on to him from all the people he had eaten. 

Either one. 

I turned back slowly to the sound of a deep wheezing cough, to find Cirron sitting flat on his ass, his robe in shred and his hair ... the roots of his hair were now black. 

His eyes shot up to me, and instead of that strange whiteness that they held before, they were now a deep soulless black color. 

He looked down at his palms that were facing up in his lap. 

One of his arms was burnt horrible, all the way up to his shoulder, and the other was a strange blue color, like all the blood had drained from it. 

"It's gone, it's gone, it's gone" he mumbled over and over and over again. 

He had burned out. 

I could even feel it now, it was like he was a shell with no life in it anymore. 

He had no power. 

Blue materialized out of the dust on his other side. 

His eyes roamed over me first, his face hard as he took me all in, before they dropped down onto Cirron. 

That dark smirk took over his face, "well, isn't this interesting" Blue mocked looking down at Cirron who was currently glaring back at him. "Bet this isn't what you thought was going to happen when you planned your world domination today. You know its all about the execution" Blue mocked. 

Ever the gracious fucking winner. 

I rolled my eyes, "I thought you were above gloating" I looked over at him. 

I gave me a fake smile, "and I thought you knew me" he replied back. 

We both turned at the sound of a huge gasp, revealing Corey's amazed and bloodied face, "t-thats impossible, h-how ... you two shouldn't have been able to over power him" he snapped looking completely baffled. 

"Didn't I embed a rock into your skull?" I snap up at him. 

Blue points dead at Corey, making the blood drain from his face, "I'm going to break you" Blue growled over at him. 

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