King Fog

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Name: Fog (technical title: King Fog)


AU: kinda, but no he exists in the main series


Era of time: all of them, even before the scorching up to present

Huh, alrighty

Age: around 6500(I will explain if need be)

I asked how this worked, and you did explain it... but really?

Radiation doesn't work like that. They don't give magical abilities. They don't do that. Even if it did, it wouldn't be THAT long, adding the defect or not.

So, uh... either make him a whole lot younger or give a more reasonable explanation for his aging.

Because THAT, right there, is far fetched.

A mutation caused by radiation does BAD things. They would make them die earlier. This doesn't work, and it makes no sense.

Sex: male


Sexuality: more then likely straight


Tribe: mistwings

MistWings sounds cool.

Queen they support: whichever will keep peace

Sounds good

Abilities: him and his tribe have the ability to turn their entire body into a fog/mist like state; he also has the ability to control animus magic, even though he isn't a animus

Err.. I'm questioning this.

So he and his tribe have the ability to turn their entire body into a gas state... uh, how? Is this animus-enchanted? Or is it not? If it isn't, this doesn't make sense.

Even if they were able to do that logically, they would DIE. Immediately.

And what do you mean "he has the ability to control animus magic"? Does that mean he can use it, or only bend it or something? And did he get that by animus-touched?

You know what? I'm just going to ask you to remove the second one.

The first one, make it so that they can't turn their bodies into gas, but instead they can "breathe" a lot of mist, or something like poisonous mist... Yes! Poisonous mist! Make it so MistWings can breathe this weird poisonous mist that MistWings are immune to.

And maybe add one or two other minor powers (ex: MudWings have a minor ability to hold their breath for one hour).

Aperance: about the size of a 6 and a half year old, grey scales(scales are shaped like a icewings, nightwing back spikes, nightwing tail, icewing wings, icewing snout, nightwing shaped torso; he normally wears a simple silver chain necklace, a bag over his neck and shoulders usually caring scrolls( maps, personal notes, etc.), sometime if undercover and exploring villages (from any village) he wears a sort of cloth that Varys in type, such as in the icewing tundra a thicker cloth, in desert a thinner coat, the cloth is colored based on the environment,(ice kingdom is normally a white, rainforest- a camo of sorts) he wears a sort of goggles that covers his eyes witch is a one way glass. His eyes are a bright blue. He also has a few small scars here and there

I like his appearance, really.

Tribe aperance: grey scales, most are short due to how slow they grow, but some have used magic to be average height (about normally the size of a 4- 12 year old), eyes are blue or black.

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