Queen (ew) Instagram

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Era: 1000 years after the DOD


Name: Instagram

Dragons have phones and Instagram now?

Age: 100000000 years old

So she predates the Scorching? Unless she changed her name, or this IS actually an AU and they did have phones WAY before the scorching, this makes little logic.

Gender: Female


Sex: Straight

Yuppo puppo.

Tribe: Allwing

*inhales, exhales* I hate AllWings. I hate them more than I hate overpowered tribrids.

Queen They Support: They are the queen!

So she supports herself?

Gotta have that confidence lmao

Abilities: Skymudrain

Also gotta have those different names referring to the same character scattered around the form

has super strong venom, fire, and frost breath. She also has firescales and icescales, which she can control. She can change the color of her scales and has a powerful tail. She can also breathe underwater

What's the word for the opposite of logic?

Rank: Queen


Appearance: She can change her scale color, but her original scale color is striped with all the different tribe colors. She's really big and intimidating. She wears a really heavy necklace that her mother gave her before she died.

Wow, very sadnesses yes

Personality: She is very mean, but is also kind.

Tf does that mean

She can make people laugh. But when she is mean, she can make people cry.

Kinda like everyone in the whole world? Anyone has the capability of causing others to cry or laugh or be mean or be kind.

Backstory: She was a sextuplet and sucked all the ice and fire out of her siblings, killing them and giving her the most epic firescales and icescales ever.

I'm just imagining a mountain-sized egg with a war going on inside it.

What even is my mind.

The other tribes feared her so much they made her the queen of all the tribes.

So they surrounded without a war? Legit.

Residence: All the palaces of Phyrria

No permanent location? She can't be at all the palaces at the same time lmao

Or maybe she can, Sue-land's logic is in the goddamn negatives.


Twitter- Mom

Facebook- Dad

She's friends with everyone!

She's not my friend tho


Mate: Snapchat

Instagram x Snapchat

I ship it

Crush: Wattpad

W o w

Dragonets: She has a million dragonets

Ofc she does

Do I have to rate her?


I do, don't I

My Rating:


Originality: 0/25 (I'm not going to give my reasoning)

Realism: 0/25 (Again, not going to give my reasoning)

Interest: .5/25 (Do I have to repeat myself every single time?)

Uniqueness: .5/25 (I'm supposed to? Well, I won't)



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