Part 3 New Friends | Edited

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After tossing over left and right throughout the night, you woke up with one of your feet already exposed between the covers from the constant wiggling. As your heavy eyelids twitched, three different voices babbled softly around you. The rest of the girls in the bedroom must have been already awake.

 The rest of the girls in the bedroom must have been already awake

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As you sat up and yawned, one of the girls squealed

"Hey! You're awake!"

You looked at her, locking glances with her emerald eyes, noticing her to be a pretty, ginger-haired girl. She had already leapt out of her bed, giving you a friendly smile "I'm Lily Evans. You're new here, yes?"

Feeling eyes on you from all three, you nodded your head.

"Well that's Mary MacDonald" - she pointed at the girl on her right side, a girl with short, brown hair and brown eyes whose bed was directly in front of yours, but on the other side of the room.

Mary smiled and waved at you.

Lily stretched her hand out towards the bed directly in front of her - or the one on your left "And that's..."

"Molly." - The third girl said, grinning "Molly Prewett" - she had red hair and fair skin like Lily but her eyes were different - Molly's eyes were brown.

Molly had a book laid on her lap as her feet dangled outside of the bed

"I'm <___>" - you politely replied, your glimpse darting around between the three new faces "I transferred from Ilvermorny"

"The American version of Hogwarts?" - Mary teased "Heard it was good"

"Not as good as ours" - Molly teased back

Lily, with a welcoming voice, asked you "So why did you transfer?"

"I moved away for a fresh start"

"Ah" - she replied "I hope you'll like it here more then. Welcome to Hogwarts!"

"Thanks!" - you couldn't hide a grin

"There's a parcel for you" - Mary pointed at a white envelope resting on the tall, square, wooden tabletop beside your bed.

Your reached out and opened it, revealing your very own timetable.

"Ooo, a timetable! can I see it?" - Lily eagerly asked

"Sure" - after reading through it, you handed the paper to her

"We can't fit every person in the year into one class" - she said as she clenched it between her pale fingers "So lessons are mixed between different houses and sets. I have a majorly different schedule from Molly and Mary but ours seems to match!" - she lowered the timetable, glaring into your eyes "Which is great! I'll get to show you around and stuff!"

"Jeez, Lily" - Mary smirked "You are such a nag"

"I am not!" - Lily scoffed

"You are too."

"Am not!"

On the other side, Molly sighed as she glimpsed your way "Welcome to the group"

Lily tossed a pillow at Molly and she caught it but the book slipped from Prewett's lap. Then all three of them started to chuckle.

"So different sets, huh?" - you asked Lily, who still had your timetable

Evans nodded "Hogwarts is fitting students from all four houses into one class one set each. There is set 1 and 2, which are rarely mixed together. Molly and Mary are both in set 2 with different times but similar classes. Me and you are in set 1 though" - she put her hand beside her lips as if whispering "Means we are smarter" - she knew that the other two girls could hear her though

"We heard you" - Mary said, pretending to be offended

"I know" - Lily smiled before handing you your timetable back "I'll show you around the school, I have to introduce you to one of my closest friends as well - his name is Severus and he's from Slytherin - I think you'll like him. All though, he isn't great around new people"

"Introducing your boyfriend to everybody now?" - Mary teased again

Lily ignored Mary's laughter as she proceeded "Thankfully we won't get to see Mary as often"

"Ouch" - Mary slapped her chest as if pretending to be insulted

While they were having a friendly squabble, you looked down at the schedule.

While they were having a friendly squabble, you looked down at the schedule

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"It's Thursday" - Lily suddenly said "Best one out of all of them"

"Ah, I see. Charms first, huh?"


You glimpsed at the clock on the wall, able to make out the current time - 8:38

"The classes start at 9, correct?"

Molly nodded, tucking her books in her bag "Yes"

"I best get ready then" - you leaped out of the sheets and gathered your uniform from the red chest at the foot of your bed. You rushed into the bathroom and quickly washed yourself before dressing up with the help of magic - changing into your uniform faster.

Still in the bedroom, Lily signaled for Molly and Mary to go as she told them she'd stay and wait.

When you left the bathroom you glimpsed at the clock revealing 8:50 now.

As you tossed on a satchel and grabbed a few books, you and Lily both sprinted out of Gryffindor chambers and dashed for the classroom.

"You're going to LOVE Flitwick!" - Lily panted out of breath as she stopped outside the class's door, then quickly added "He's very kind"

You nodded her way, hearing the voice of the teacher on the other side. It made you anxious.

You were the new student in class, you barely knew anyone yet and you were aware that for the first time you'd meet eye to eye with him.
You had to figure out what he looked like as you were not yet familiar with his appearance. You knew you'll have to search by name without growing suspicion.

You and Lily inhaled then entered the room. Suddenly, your worst fear came to life as every single face in the room turned to look at who just entered the class late - you.

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