Part 6 Lunch | Edited

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On the way to the garden for lunch, Lily mentioned Flitwick's class and how she saw you briefly talk to Tom Riddle.

"Well it was more like shouting" - you told her "He got angry at me for spilling wine on his uniform. Kept being bitter afterwards."

"I guess he won't be trying to deceive you with his charm then" - Lily replied "Not a lot of people can see through him, <___>."

"You really dislike him, huh?"

"He called me a mudblood once. Thought I wouldn't hear it."

"I see. That's reasonable then."

"I saw him in the library once try to slip into the forbidden section before he was caught by Apollyon." - she whispered as she squeezed past some students "And I think he's having a terrible influence on Severus"

"Severus Snape?"

She nodded "He became a lot more quiet. But I think that's also because this one douch-- I mean -- James Potter guy can't stop bullying him."

"James Potter" - you repeated, thinking: Her future husband "He must be really annoying then."

"I mean he's rude to someone I've known since I was little."

"Sounds like this school has more issues than daily prophet" - you bluntly said

"Sounds like this school has more issues than daily prophet" - you bluntly said

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You both met up with Mary and Molly in the garden, just behind Hogwarts. There were groups of students scattered across the green grass, chattering and enjoying the faint kisses of the shimmering sun.

You all picked a spot before settling and preparing your packed food. This time, since you didn't have any, your new friends were happy to share theirs with you.

In a distant corner, in-between heaps of flowers, you could see a girl with two ponytails and glasses hanging above the bridge of her nose, reading a book. Her face looked familiar.

Then you noticed Tom Riddle enter the garden alongside two of his companions. Those people currently by his side were the ones who served him as death eaters in the future.

On Riddle's left, walked a boy with white-blonde hair, pale skin and grey eyes - Malfoy. Meanwhile, on Riddle's right, trailed a boy with caramel blonde hair, tanned skin and green eyes - going by the name of Avery.
Whilst in the middle we had our handsome leader himself - Tom Marvolo Riddle.

When the trio stopped, Riddle appeared to be saying something to them before they all parted ways. Tom clenched onto his black-covered book and walked deeper into the garden.

He sat and leaned against a significantly larger tree before flicking open a book. For a moment he appeared innocent; a strong contradiction compared to what he was really like on the inside. Who knew what rotten thoughts have already gone through his head. His appearance was mysterious, attractive and thrilling on the surface but he had utterly decayed within.

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