Part 22 The Feud Continues... | Edited

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The bell rang and it was time for History of magic taught by a ghost professor named Cuthbert Binns. Sometimes the ghost would get sidetracked from the topic and blabber on repeatedly of how they died with their droning, buzzing voice. It would get so annoying at times that students would lose all motivation to attend. You'd think a ghost teaching a subject would be exciting, but paradoxically, it felt quite the opposite.

The classroom was large and dusty with only three large windows on the right side of the classroom, barely letting in any sunlight. The class hasn't been cleaned in a long time which could have easily been guessed by the thick spider webs, dusty book shelves and dirty chalkboard. It appears that the ghost was rather fond of this environment - contrary to the students who'd be met instantly by the dull, chilly temperature.

And the cracked grandfather's clock ticked loudly in the corner, each tick sounded as if it became slower and slower and the lesson felt as if it was dragging for hours.

Luckily for Tom, it was a class he never had to attend. Instead, Lily was your companion.

"Oh boy" - Lily whispered to you "It appears he fell asleep again." - she looked at the Malfoy student across the room who had his pale face hidden behind a standing uprights book as he himself fell into slumber.

Cuthbert didn't seem to notice and would still spit out words in the same-range, never changing tone as the students would do their best to catch up with what he was saying, their quills wiggling as fast as possible to scribble down notes but the ghost wouldn't slow down or pause. Some students would sigh in frustration and give up but then get told off that they're not writing anything down.

When the bell finally rang again, desks quickly squeaked against the old floor and students, more lively than during the whole period, immediately burst into chatter and rushed out of the gloomy room.

You and Lily were among those streaming past the door in a rush for fresh air. It was difficult in there with all the dust hovering inside the classroom tickling noses. Students felt as if they just escaped a depressing dungeon.

Knowing your friends would be out in the yard on this beautiful day, you and Lily went straight there as it was time for lunch.

However, once you passed through cobblestone pillars, both of your eyes stopped at a significant, distant ruckus. There seemed to be quite a large crowd encircling something afar and no nearby teachers. As you both pushed through this crowd, you could hear familiar voices appear closer and closer whilst you squeezed past murmuring students.

And that's when you both saw what was there -

In the middle of the courtyard stood a very irritated looking Sirius. His friends - Lupin, James Potter and Peter stood behind him, sneering At Tom. On the other side of the feud stood a smirking Tom Riddle who was only a foot away from Sirius. Tom's gang stood behind him - about 6 of other boys who have been smirking and taunting Sirius plus his friends.

'oh no' - you thought to yourself.

"You pushed past me on purpose" - Sirius said, sharply glaring into Marvolo's calm eyes "What's the matter? So mighty you can't apologize?"

"What's going on?" - you asked, seeing both of them briefly glance at you but neither of them drew back from each other

"Your pet seems to be obsessed with me" - Tom told you without looking away from Sirius "It was amusing in the beginning but now it's disturbing. I guess some individuals just get too possessive with stupidity."

Sirius felt his muscles tense. His jaw was clenched and he had a deathly glare radiating from his eyes "Watch it."

You knew that real soon one of them would be turned into a rat. Or this would turn into a never-ending loop of bullying. 

"Hey" - Lily stepped in between them "Would you sort this out elsewhere maybe?" - her eyes jumped between both of their faces "You seem to be attracting a crowd here"

"Indeed" - You backed her up "Or just get this over with quicker and duel each other somewhere"

"Stay out of this, mudblood" - Tom glowered at Lily and everyone gasped

But Lily didn't seem surprised "At least you repeated it this time." - she spat with a despicable sneer

"Don't call her that" - James intervened, frowning at Riddle

But Evans scoffed at Potter "I don't need your protection" 

"His pals over there tried to jinx me" - Sirius said, pointing at Avery and the rest of whom were a part of Slug Club

"You have proof?" - Avery asked, his chin lifted high

"I don't need proof. Remus knows what he saw."

"It doesn't matter what your scrawny friend saw." - Tom calmly said, folding his hands behind his back "Why am I wasting my breath here."

"Did you really--?" - Sirius squirmed as he quickly pulled his wand out of his robe and directed it at Riddle. Everyone stepped a couple feet back.

But Tom didn't move a muscle "That's witless. Do you really wish to duel me?"

"Are you scared?"

"I won't be wasting my talents on you."

Tom turned around and started walking away, but Sirius, feeling hotheaded, flicked his wrist, only to have it stopped by you and Lily grabbing his arm at the same time. 

You stepped before Sirius, calming him down "You'll get into trouble" - you lowered his hand "Don't do this, not now."

Tom glanced over his shoulder, his eyes slightly widened and the smirk disappeared from his lips. He was surprised not only because someone decided to attack him, but that you were also protecting him. 

He was thinking why would you do it when he's been so horrible to you. That genuine amazement on his face shone as he was watching the back of your head, no longer smirking.

"You were about to--" - Riddle uttered "Behind my back? there is no greater dishonor." 

"I'll teach you about honor" - Sirius spat back

Everyone watched intensely. And without realizing, all of sudden, you were the one in the spotlight.

"Let's just respect each other if even briefly. Leave it be, Sirius."

Sirius shut up and looked back at Riddle "You'll remain quiet and let her defend you? Big man. Who is she to you? Your wished for girlfriend?"

You glanced over your shoulder to look at Tom who appeared very conflicted and had been remaining silent. As he met his eyes with yours, you noticed the slight satisfaction.

Tom darted at Sirius and responded "I am perfectly fine at handling my own battles. However, feels like plenty has been said already"

Without saying any more, Tom walked out of the yard with his group closely following behind him. You looked back at Sirius who shook his head in disappointment before he left with his friends. The crowd scattered and it was finally peaceful.

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