Part 98: ENDING A

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READ THIS IF YOU'VE CHOSEN "Duel Voldemort to save Sirius " IN CHAPTER 97

I sincerely encourage you to fully read this ending, and if you don't like it, or you're just curious, you're welcome to read the other one which would be considered your alternative.

Please, try to be fair, for the poor author who took hours to do this XD 


You twirled your wand towards Voldemort's wrist, sending his wand flying out of his grasp. This set Sirius free of the binds.

You sent a quick spell at Nagini, who hissed at the fire spell as she jumped off his now red neck.

"What are you doing?" - Voldemort sneered

"I cannot let you kill him."

"After everything. You choose him." 

"I choose to save his life."

"Of course you do" - he snickered as if growing insane "I figured you would." - he waved his hand and Nagini launched for your torso, which you dodged. Knowing you're distracted, Voldemort grabbed his wand out of your hand and pushed you out of the way

"Avada Kedavra!" - a green flash shot out of his wand at the collapsed man. The spell blasted into Sirius Black and his face dropped still. Nothing left, just a ghost of his pale face.

As if a buzz rang in your ears, you screamed as you held onto your head, falling down to your knees.

Riddle took your pain for affection and maliciously scowled at you.

"So this is who your heart really belongs to."

You couldn't even tell him that he was wrong. It was too painful to even say a word, only being able to glare into the lifeless eyes of Sirius Black.

"Consider yourself no longer under my protection" - Voldemort bluntly stated "You will die."

"No..." - you uttered, standing up "You will!" - you twirled your wand at Voldemort once more, casting a quick spell that sent him flying through the wall. You felt wind push in through now the massive hole, where a part of it had shattered.

When you flew over to him, now in the dark street, Voldemort stood on his feet.

"You..." - he said "You know where they are too. You must."

"That doesn't matter."

"I will get that out of you. If not, I will murder you." - he said "And turn that worthless piece of gold on your wrist into a horcrux" - he laughed, his eyes insane "You will be nothing."

"So be it."

Lightning shot out from both of your wands, clashing in the middle like a cannon blast, you could feel the ground shake underneath your feet as your hand trembled at the pulsating of the spell.

"A shadow grows and grows inside your heart" - Trewalney's words from the prophecy played in your head like a broken rewind tape.

You yelped as you whisked your hand to the right, sending the colliding spells into a lamp post that shattered under impact. You quickly summoned an enchanted fireball that evolved into a spitting Lion, running over to the Snake that was about to ambush you.

But then the air turned cold. The former brittle grass turned into ice as you could see yourself breathing out mist while your summoned lion had dissolved before it could even reach Nagini.

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