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Davina's munching on a bowl of cereal while Rebekah and Klaus talked about unimportant things.

"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how much I like to set things on fire," Rebekah pouts.

"Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless, pregnant girl who's carrying my child," Klaus replies.

Rebekah rolls her eyes before staring at Klaus skeptically. "Oh, I'm so moved by your newfound sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in the oven."

"Aw, Rebekah, you make it sound so cute," Davina remarks with a smile. Hayley then joins the trio with an expectant look on her face.

"The werewolf would like to know what the plan is."

"Well, that depends on what plan you mean, love. My plan for global domination, or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world," Klaus remarks, making Rebekah throw a pencil in his direction.

"I think she means the plan to rescue Elijah," Davina points out. "The good brother? The one who is now in the hands of the almighty Marcel after you stabbed him in the back?"

"My words, exactly," Hayley states solemnly.

"In the front, if we're being specific," Klaus smirks, making the three girls roll their eyes.

"Just tell us what your supposed plan is, you imbecile," Davina grumbles.

"Well, firstly, Marcel is my friend. Albeit, one who is unaware that I'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend, nonetheless. And secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently. And thirdly, sister, please."

"And thirdly, the plan, as you two have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask for Elijah back," Rebekah pipes up.

Davina and Hayley exchange looks before looking at the two vampires, dumbfounded.

"That...that's not the whole plan...is it?"

"Please, Nik may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical."

"And that's only the Plan A, my loves. There's always a Plan B."

"Which is," Hayley prompts.


"Because waging war on the vampire with an army is a spectacular idea," Davina smirks. "Do it."


While Klaus and Rebekah were off doing their duties, Davina has returned to Rousseau's, determined to talk to Camille. She sees the bartender washing out some glasses and sits down on a stool.

"Greetings, Cami," Davina smiles as she rests her chin on her hands. "How are you this fine morning?"

"Not so hot, to be honest. Drunk guys keep hitting on me in French," Camille informs her.

"Sounds horrid," Davina tsks, shaking her head.

"You look troubled. Care to share your sorrows with the lonely lady behind the bar," Camille teases.

"Ah, I'd hardly call you lonely. Aren't you and, uh, Marcel Gerard going steady? I mean, I saw him hit on you the other day," Davina points out.

"I wouldn't call it that. It's more like wooing, I guess. He's pretty charming, which probably means I should run for the hills."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum