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"Okay," Davina smirks as Freya, herself, and Hope stand in the abandoned property. "Let's see what you can do."

Hope nods and rushes over to the wall, easily scaling it. She smiles and looks down from the platform. "Pretty cool, huh?" Hope then jumps down onto several ledges before landing back on the ground. "What do you think?"

"Damn. I'm jealous of your agility," Davina murmurs.

"And I wish I had core muscles like yours," Freya adds with a chuckle.

"And that's nothing compared to what I'll be able to do once I trigger my werewolf side."

"Yeah, um, has your mom ever talked you through turning?"

"A little. And, uh, I have friends. I mean, the whole killing a human part sounds kind of rough, but..."

"What about the whole breaking every bone in your body part? You know, when your mom talked to me about it, when she, um, really described it, it sounded worse than almost anything I could imagine. And, honestly, it's...it's not what she wanted for you." Davina elbows Freya, giving her a significant look.

"Wants for you," she corrects, looking at Hope.

"That's what I meant," Freya nods.


Later that day, the three witches were gathered in Hope's bedroom, discussing the possibility of getting the curse would that lock away her werewolf side in order to get Hayley back.

"I'm not going to lie, it would hurt like a bitch," Davina warns her.

"I don't care," comes Hope's response.

"You could die," Freya frowns.

"Same answer."

"Hope, you would be snuffing out a fundamental part of who you are."

"Which, according to you, my mother never wanted me to trigger, anyways," Hope reminds her.

"She wanted it to be your decision," Davina sighs.

"And I'm making it."

"Not like this, Hope. Listen. Both Davina and I know what it's like to have something taken from you against your will. Okay? For us, it was time. Years and years, cursed to sleep by Aunt Dahlia, while the world spun around is. And I am telling you—when you realize everything you've missed, it is devastating."

"You know, if it were just to save my mom, I'd want to do it. Or it could be the fact that...I'm partially responsible for her being taken. Or that I'm not even sure I even want this freakish side of myself. But it's all those things. So, please, guys, get whatever supplies that you need, because we are going to do this."

Davina and Freya exchange concerned glances before slowly nodding.


The girls have moved back to the abandoned property and were now preparing for the spell right outside.

"There's got to be an easier way to do this," Hope says as she cuts her hand open to bleed into a bowl.

"Your blood is the key. We just need enough to soak the moonstone." Davina takes a white rock from a box and places it into bowl with Hope's blood. Her and Freya begin muttering the incantation but Hope interrupts them.

"That word. 'Marcam'. What does it mean? To mark?"

"The drenched stone is heated and used to brand the afflicted," Freya explains.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now