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Davina's sulking at Kol's ashes, which are back on her dresser. She's received plenty of calls from Anastasia and Josh, all of which she ignored. The only thing that would make her feel better was if Kol could come back to life right that second. Unfortunately, the odds were not in her favor. Suddenly, Klaus knocks on her door frame before strolling in her room.

"Hello, love. I know you're still mourning and upset over the death of my brother, but I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on a trip to the cemetery. Maybe we could turn some of that sorrow into rage," he suggests.

"Oh, believe me, Klaus. I would like nothing better than to make Finn pay for what he did to Kol, but-"

"Apparently, our older sister, Freya, has been with him this whole time, as well. Wouldn't you like to see her, too?"

Davina frowns at this before sighing. "Yeah, I guess. I've been wondering where she wandered off to. For the record, I'm going to enjoy giving Finn a beating before you do whatever you were planning to do to him."

"Ah, this is why you're my favorite witch, Davina," Klaus smiles.


Klaus and Davina have arrived at the cemetery, which has become dark and foggy as the day has gone by. She quickly hides behind a tomb as Klaus stalks down the aisles. "Finn! I know you're here! The wolves tell me you've been quite active robbing graves and violating corpses! Sounds like you. Why don't you just come out so we can finish this?"

Suddenly, Finn appears behind Klaus at the end of the aisle. "Hello, Niklaus."

Davina digs her nails into her palm in order to prevent her from jumping out right then and there. She wanted so badly to show Finn what he destroyed. Unfortunately, Klaus wanted her presence to be a surprise to hopefully take him off guard.

"Such a pedestrian greeting. How unfortunate those are to be your last words," Klaus sighs.

"Your hubris truly knows no bounds," Finn exclaims, astonished. "You attack a witch in the very place the ancestors call home. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"You're a fool if you think the ancestors give a damn about you," Klaus scoffs.

"They may not care for me, brother, but they hate you." Finn magically shoots a humongous stream of flames toward Klaus. When the flames and smoke clear, however, Klaus has already vanished, having sped on the roof of one of the nearby crypts before he could be harmed.

"You lost a step, brother. But, them blowing to pieces will do that, I suppose." Klaus lunges toward him, so Finn thrusts out his hand to throw a piece of the iron fence towards Klaus. The pikes of the fence embed themselves in Klaus' chest, but, of course, it does little to anything to hurt him. Finn uses his power to give Klaus difficulties in removing it.

"Finished so soon, my indestructible brother? Father was right about you! You're nothing but a pathetic disappointment!"

Deciding that enough was enough, Davina steps out and magically forces Finn against a tomb wall, which allows Klaus to remove the fence from himself. "You call Klaus pathetic? Did you forget that you cursed your own brother to die?! Pathetic does not even begin to describe you, Finn." Davina then chuckles humorlessly and squishes him against the wall harder. "That wasn't even all. You sought the death of an innocent child—Klaus' child. Now, Klaus may be a pain in the ass, but at least he doesn't kill off the people he calls family! Well, until now."

Klaus smirks and rams the iron fence into Finn's abdomen, causing him to groan in pain. "For what you have done to Hope, I'm going to enjoy making you suffer." Klaus yanks out the rod from Finn's abdomen, and Finn falls weakly to the ground. He holds up the fence and is about to stab him with it again when Elijah finally arrives and pulls Klaus off of him, shoving him into the tomb behind him.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now