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Davina wakes up in the attic of the church and groans. She suddenly remembers what happened the night before and frantically looks around the room. "Ana?"

"I'm right here," she says, coming out from behind a changing screen.

"Oh. For a moment, I thought that I had dreamt everything," Davina mumbles, shaking her head.

"Well, I'm still me, flesh and blood, alive," Anastasia assures her.

"And yet, you're still linked to that monster," she reminds her grimly. "I swear, I'm going to find a way to save you."

"She was powerful enough to bring me back from the dead. D, this isn't going to end well."

"Ana, when you died, I was heartbroken. I'm not about to let it happen again, so if there's something I can do, I'm going to do it," Davina states.

"The Hollow has to be killed. And if she dies, I die. What's the alternative, you help her? You can't betray your family," Anastasia reasons.

"Well, love," Kol announces as he enters the room with a smirk. "That's what I'm here for."

"Kol," she smiles.

"I texted him last night about you coming back," Davina informs her. "He's agreed to help. Everyone else is so hellbent on saving Elijah that they won't hesitate to kill the Hollow."

Anastasia, although not looking too convinced, just nods. Davina squeezes her shoulder before leaving the attic with Kol. They make their way down the stairs and see Inadu waiting for them.

"I see you recruited a Mikaelson," she remarks with a frown.

"Yeah, well, we both want Anastasia to be free of you," Davina sighs. "That doesn't mean we don't despise your guts, though. Keep that in mind."

"And what is it you need? Are we to handle your errands? Or your laundry?"

"It's actually quite simple. I have long wanted to be mortal, but now that I am alive, I can die. In fact, your own family is relentless in their quest to kill me."

"If you want us to put in a good word, I think that ship has sailed, darling," Kol tells her with an amused expression.

"I have my own protection spell, cast in the form of a totem. You will safeguard my totem, until I'm done with your family. If you falter, if any harm comes my way, Anastasia will suffer with me. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Davina grumbles.


"Well, this is fun," Davina sighs as she and Kol hide out in an abandoned house. "We're protecting a rock."

"It's about to get better," Kol tells her, holding up his phone as Rebekah was calling. "Hey, Bex. What's up?"

"Someone's floating around with a trinket that's fueling our enemy's power," Rebekah informs him on speakerphone. "What say you help me track down and exterminate this scoundrel?"

"I'd like nothing better."

"Perfect." They hang up, and Kol holds out the glowing totem.


Davina hears Marcel and Rebekah enter the house, which causes her to inwardly cringe. She hated betraying people, but they had no choice here. Kol had set up a dark object on the ceiling, which would trap them in the house.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now