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Davina, now joined by Anastasia, were sitting in the attic, waiting for Kol to wake up from his slumber. However, the girls haven't spoken since Klaus' sire-link was broken. Davina looks over at her sister awkwardly before sighing.

"Are you not going to say anything at all?"

"What is there to say, Davina," Anastasia shrugs. "You chose your side, I chose mine. I guess you consider Klaus more your family than you did me."

"How so? Because I didn't want him to die? Ana, I care about him, and you knew that. You can't just make me pick between you and him," Davina tells her.

"Well, it wasn't just that. You wanted me to stop the spell that would break his sire-line, which evidently felt like you were choosing Klaus over Kol, who you supposedly love, as well."

"Supposedly? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Each time we've had the chance to resurrect Kol, there was always another reason why we couldn't. First, it was because of Esther, and now Klaus? Why does it seem like I'm more devoted to Kol than you are?"

Davina blinks a couple of times, unable to believe what Anastasia was implying. "You're out of line, Anastasia. I love Kol with all my heart. If we had the choice, I would've brought him back that first time, but we couldn't for the sake of Hope. You can't always be selfish and put your wants before others' needs. Kol understood that." Anastasia just sighs and looks away, making Davina roll her eyes. Her sister was being an utter brat at the moment. She looks towards Kol and sees that he was stirring awake. "Hey. You've been asleep for three days."

"Well, regenerating from ash takes a lot out of a man," he murmurs, though looks a bit uncomfortable after hearing a bit of their conversation. Kol stands to his feet and smiles at Davina. "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now."

"So, what's stopping you from kissing her, then," Anastasia questions.

"I can take the heat," Kol says, sticking his hand in the sun, causing it to burn. He quickly yanks it away seconds later. "If it means I get a kiss. But, letting the church burn down to ash may be considered sacrilegious."

"But you were a witch," Anastasia points out, confused.

"The spell Davina used brought me back as I died in this body," he explains.

Davina says nothing, but she approaches Kol and the two kiss passionately. "It doesn't matter if you're a witch or vampire," she tells him with a grin. "I love you either way."

Kol smiles and presses a kiss to her forehead. "I love you, too. At the risk of sounding too forward, I'm going to need you to put a ring on this finger. A family reunion is in order."

"Right," Davina nods, biting her lip. "Klaus still might be a bit pissed at me." Kol pulls her into a hug, but doesn't look too pleased at this information.

"Well, he wants me dead," Anastasia snorts.


Davina tentatively walks into the compound with Anastasia trailing behind her.

"Hello...? Klaus, are you-"

"Still infuriated at you?" Klaus then walks into the courtyard and smirks at Davina. "A tad, but I think I have it in my heart to forgive you eventually." He then looks over at Anastasia and scowls. "You, however, are not going to be so lucky." Klaus pins her against the wall angrily. "Rather foolish of you to come here."

Kol suddenly speeds in and throws Klaus off of Anastasia. "Hello, brother. We ought to really teach you some manners, don't you think?" Klaus stares at Kol in disbelief while Freya and Elijah come down to see what the commotion is.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now