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Davina opens her eyes and sees that she was still in Kol's playhouse, which was weirdly empty. She frowns and gets off the futon, confused as to why he just left.

She shrugs to herself and exits the tomb before heading back to the compound. The smell of pastries wafts through the air when she enters, making Davina smile. She heads towards the dining room in hopes of getting a beignet, but her face falls when she sees the scene in front of her.

Klaus and Elijah were having breakfast with Kol and Finn, who were conveniently bound by magical shackles. Compelled servants were bringing plates of pastries to the table, one of which held beignets.

"Uh, what the hell is going on? Why do you have your brothers in shackles?" Davina looks between Elijah and Klaus with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, Davina, I'm glad you could join us," Klaus smirks. "Maybe you could help us convince these two to join forces with us against Esther."


Just as Kol reaches for a plate of pastries, Klaus moves it further away from him. "But, if you continue to oppose us, a denial of pastries will be the least of your concerns."

"If all you wanted was an allegiance against Mother Dearest, you should have said so," Kol sighs. "Would've saved me a night shackled to a wall."

"Wait, you were here all night? How didn't I-"

"Ah, well, you were always quite a sound sleeper, love," Kol remarks.

"Enough chit-chat. Now, we have no desire to torture you," Klaus smiles. "Provided you vow to stand beside us as brothers."

"Brothers," Finn repeats. "Does that word even apply to us? After all these centuries of betrayal? And has loyalty towards you ever been rewarded? If so, tell me, Niklaus—where is our sister, Rebekah? She was blindly loyal to you for a thousand years, and now? Nowhere to be found. Where did our sister go? And, how did she escape your vile machinations?"

"Heh. You think me vile? What, then, do you make of the one who cursed us?"

"She was trying to make you mortal again," Finn exclaims, clearly frustrated. "And you both refused her. It only proves how far you've fallen. But, I expect Rebekah will have a different response to her proposal. See, unlike the two of you, she always did cling to her humanity."

"Rebekah is off-limits to you," Elijah informs him angrily. "You pursue her, and you will suffer."

"Do not let him goad you, Elijah," Klaus says. "Neither he, nor Esther, will find Rebekah unless she wants to be found." He turns to Finn. "And she does not."

"Esther is quite determined. She's been searching for Rebekah since the day she returned. I imagine it won't be long now."

Elijah completely loses his temper and grabs Finn by the collar. He slams him onto the table before vamping out and feeding on him.

Davina, still watching the whole exchange, bites her lip nervously. This seemed more like a family matter.


Davina's standing near Finn and Kol, while chewing on a beignet. "Esther must have really messed with Elijah's mind. He's off his rocker. Look, you guys need to get out of here before Klaus gets your heads on a stake."

"There is an opportunity in our current circumstances, however," Finn remarks, making Kol scoff.

"Opportunity to what? Get a beating?"

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora