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Davina and Freya sit cross-legged on the floor—surrounded by corpses—while trying to break the cloaking spell on Klaus. However, they pause when an unnaturally loud scream fills the air.

"Good lord, that one has some lungs on him. He should've been an opera singer. Might've ended better for him, actually," Rebekah remarks as she finishes feeding on someone.

"Is this absolutely necessary," Freya questions, looking up.

"That depends. Do you want us at our full strength, or do you plan on rescuing Nik on your own?"

"Well, the death rattles are kind of making it hard to concentrate," Davina chuckles under her breath.

"Kol, would you please," Elijah calls out loudly and the screams are suddenly cut off. "Thank you."

"I can sense that Klaus is still in New Orleans. Most likely somewhere underground. We can't get a read on exactly where, unless we're in the city itself," Freya explains as Kol returns from his feeding.

"Yeah. That's gonna be a problem," Hayley speaks up. "I have contacts in New Orleans. As you can imagine, the place is crawling with vampires, all of whom hate all of us. Whatever we do, we need to do it fast."

"Well, I wasn't planning on a pub crawl. I don't want to stay any longer than we have to. But we need to go," Freya sighs.

"Woah, wait, wait, we're not doing this today," Kol inquires with a frown.

"Hasn't Nik suffered enough?"

"Yes, and I've died. Twice. I'm not about to give Marcel a shot at a third. Now, I say, we draw that muppet out of town. And when he's gone..."

"I've been away from my daughter long enough," Hayley states. "If you're afraid..."

"It's calling being sensible. Until Freya can make enough cure with her werewolf hostage, Marcel can basically chew through our bloody throats."

"Enough," Elijah murmurs. "We're all in danger. We free Niklaus today—even if I have to burn that city to the ground."

Everyone starts to walk away, making Kol roll his eyes. Davina walks over and nudges him with her elbow. "I, for one, think your plan was better. What are the chances of us getting Klaus without running into problems?"

"I'd say less than two percent," Kol replies. He sighs and places an arm around her shoulder before they, too, walk towards the vehicle.


After Freya finished the locator spell to find Klaus, everyone was waiting outside Rousseau's for Josh to finish clearing the place out.

"All right, sorry, folks. We'll, uh, we'll get that gas leak fixed up, and we'll be back tomorrow with two-for-one hurricanes," he announces apologetically. A patron hands Josh a glass, making him sigh. "Oh, thank you. Great. Please don't steal glasses." He then turns to Davina with a slight smile. "Everyone's out. Place is yours."

"Thank you," she tells him sincerely. "I'm sorry we're disrupting your day."

"Yeah, I was wondering why I didn't get my daily call from you yesterday," Josh remarks and glances behind her. "Now I just see that you were bringing...them back to life."

"That...and my phone broke. I think I accidentally set it on fire," Davina sheepishly informs him, thinking back to when she lit the stroller aflame. Her phone must've been in it. "Do you think you could move the freezer?"

Josh gives her an exasperated look, so Hayley speaks up from behind her. "Time's ticking, Josh. Go on."

"Are you absolutely sure we're looking in the right place," Kol questions.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now