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It's later that night and Anastasia still hasn't woken up after being knocked unconscious the day before. Davina was currently pouring herself a glass of water while Kol and Camille took care of her. Klaus observed them all from the door with the white oak stake in his possession.

"We should get her to the hospital," Camille frets worriedly.

Kol, just now noticing Klaus by the doorway, addresses him as a stranger. "Oh, hello, darling. Back to huff and puff and blow the house down?"

"You know, it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat," Klaus replies, unamused.

"Klaus, he's just a kid, give him a break," Camille sighs. Davina almost chokes on her water but quickly masks it as a cough.

"Yeah, she's right. You may want to try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for stuck-up pillocks with anger issues," Kol retorts. Davina walks over to and elbows him in the side.

"Hey, you, shut it," she warns, giving him a pointed look,

"I promised I wouldn't kill Anastasia. I said nothing about this insolent sod," Klaus reminds them. Camille sighs and guides Klaus away, allowing Davina time to smack Kol on the back of his head.

"You're practically begging to get killed," she whisper-shouts.

"I have nothing nice to say about him," Kol shrugs.

"Well, I'd rather not watch you bite the dust for the second time," Davina retorts in a hushed voice. He just smiles and squeezes her shoulder comfortingly.

"Weird," Klaus remarks as he returns to the doorway alone. "You two seem awfully familiar with each other."

"We've had time to mingle when you're not lurking around," Davina deadpans.

"Is that so? Well, then this fellow must have a way with words. I remember quite clearly how hard it was for you to get over your previous lover. Must be his aura. But you know, mate, getting involved with Davina means meddling in my family business." Kol just smirks, confirming Klaus' suspicions. "Unless it's your family business. You know, ever since my mother and Finn, I was wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol."

"Then the jig is up," Kol announces with a grin. "Hello, brother."

"Davina, love, were you just planning on keeping this a secret from me, too?"

She pretends to think about her answer before chuckling. "Yeah, pretty much. I'm not gonna be your double-agent, Klaus."

He rolls his eyes before turning back to Kol. "It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living. It's just that you're making all the wrong friends, brother. And, I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are."

"But you're not going to do that, are you? Because your little, blonde friend told you to leave me alone," Kol comments, making Klaus chuckle. "I'm curious, does she take one of those little baggies out when she takes you for a walk?"

Klaus begins to look annoyed as he raises his voice enough so Camille can hear him. "Cami? I've changed my mind. I am going to kill him after all." When he doesn't hear a response, Klaus frowns and looks by the car, only to see that both her and Mikael have disappeared.


Klaus returns to the cabin after having called Elijah. Davina was sitting next to Anastasia, while Kol was rocking in a rocking chair.

"Wake her up," Klaus demands. "Tell her to get Mikael back here, now."

"Well, she's unconscious still, Klaus. I can't exactly order her to do anything, can I?" Davina raises her eyebrow at him when he clenches his jaw. "I could very well do a locator spell, but that would take longer."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now