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"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Davina frets as she stands in the pool room with Anastasia. "Whatever it takes, you said. And now, we're planning on breaking Klaus' sire-line? He's gonna kill us."

"Stop worrying so much, Davina," Anastasia chastises and continues to look over her notes hanging from the walls.


"Because worrying will only slow you down," Aya's voice states as she walks into the room. "Why aren't you working with the other girls?"

"We don't work well with others," Davina retorts with a sarcastic smile. "Besides, we've both studied Esther's grimoire from cover to cover, meaning we know more about breaking a link than any other witch here."

"How lovely. But, as it is my life that depends on the completion of that spell, it will be my coven that verifies your work."

"Yes, yes, your pathetic life that you're so intent on keeping," she remarks. "Breaking Klaus' sire-line better give us enough power to resurrect Kol, or so help me, I will rip out your heart without so much as a second thought."

"I don't believe threats like that go around here, Davina Claire," Aya tells her, scowling. "Now, tell me, are you two done yet?"

"All we need is the binding agent," Anastasia murmurs.

"And what will that require?"

"My spell is based off of the one that the Mikaelsons' mother used to make them vampires in the first place. She was an artist. She had her own unique way of doing things. If I'm gonna finish this spell, I need someone who knew her techniques..."

"And I, for one, was kidnapped by the time she actually cast the spell," Davina grumbles. "Curse Dahlia's horrid timing. I'm sure you get our point, though. If you want the spell, then we need Kol Mikaelson in exchange."

"Tread carefully, Davina and Ana. Every negotiation has a moment where the lesser party must submit. You two are very quickly approaching yours."

"We'll see about that. Have the Sisters help us resurrect Kol," Anastasia barters. "He'll help us find the missing ingredient. I promise. If not, you may never find it."

Aya sighs before glaring at the witches. She then walks over to a chest and pulls out a creepy candle. Anastasia gasps in surprise while Davina just nods her head.

"I assume you two know what this is."

"It's a Hand of Glory," Anastasia breathes. "When lit, it'll let me open any window."

"Even to the afterworld."

"So, you're saying we can only see Kol until this wretched candle burns down to nothing, and then he's gone," Davina snorts. "I don't condone your methods of compromise."

"If you want Kol to remain permanently, make sure he gives us the information we need," Aya smirks.


Davina's setting up the spell to use the Hand of Glory while Anastasia continues looking over her notes. Marcel then enters the room, making them both roll their eyes.

"Let me guess," Anastasia deadpans. "Aya needs something else done."

"Actually, I came to let you know that I'm your side," Marcel says, kneeling so that he's at her eye level.

"Good for you, Marcel," Davina comments as she makes a salt circle. "Maybe you could convince Aya to let us bring Kol back permanently."

"I hear you, but we need to talk priorities. Kol has been dead. He can stay dead a little while longer. But my life could end at any minute."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now