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Tissues were a thing of the past these days in New Orleans. Davina had used up more boxes in the past week than she had in the last seven years. Now, she had resorted to sitting at Rousseau's with Marcel and Kol, just drowning her sorrows in a few beers. She had soaked enough of her husband's shirts with her tears.

"Lucky, you two don't get hangovers," Davina mumbles and lets a beer bottle slip from her hand, causing it to shatter.

"Alright, love, I think you've hit your alcohol quota for the day," Kol tells her and pushes the other four empty bottles away. "There's a wedding, don't forget."

"I completely forgot," she gasps before plonking her forehead on the counter. "I'm horrible for forgetting. At least Freya and Keelin will have a happy day."

"Vincent lost his girlfriend," Marcel sighs. "Ivy. I don't know if he'll even show up to the wedding. Hope triggered her werewolf curse. Everything that could go wrong has."

"And yet, I don't see either of them sitting here at the bar. Does that make us selfish for wanting to forget? I think it does." Davina ties her hair back before attempting to stand up. She wobbles a bit before taking a deep breath. "I'm such a lightweight."

"Come on, darling, we're going back," he says just as Davina's phone begins to ring.

"Ugh, could you get that? I can't even think, my mind is like a slushie." He nods and takes the phone out of her back pocket.

"Davina's phone," Kol answers, putting it on speakerphone.

"Brother," Klaus greets solemnly. "Is your wife around?"

"She is, although a bit tipsy. What is it that you want, Nik?"

"Tell her that Hope's getting worse. There are these veins creeping up her neck. We need as many witches as possible to help."

"Affirmative, Klaus," Davina deadpans.

"Davina, call your sister, get her down here. Like I said, it's urgent and we need witches on this." With that, Klaus hangs up the call.

"Now would be a good time to sober myself up."


"Hey," Davina nods, attempting to be cheerful and greets Anastasia with a hug. "I'm sorry to drag you down here, but..."

"No, it's fine, D. I get it, we all want Hope to be okay," her sister replies with a small smile. "I just expected more bad news. Josh's death was enough to bear."

"Yeah, that's why I was attempting to drown myself in alcohol, but to no avail," she replies with a frown. "How was your honeymoon? I didn't get the chance to call you afterwards."

"It was great," Anastasia chuckles. "We had a lot of fun. I would've brought Declan with me, but you know..."

"He's still not sure how he feels about your ties to vampires? Yeah, I remember when you spilled all of the supernatural details. He looked like he was going to faint."

"He actually did after you left. But, Declan still thinks witches are the coolest, so that's good."

"Well, that's because it's true," Davina tells her matter-of-factly. "Are you going to stay for Freya and Keelin's wedding?"

"If I'm wanted, then sure. I'd love to see two ladies get their happiness," she hums.

The witches finally arrive at the cemetery and see Hope standing by the memorial of the man she accidentally killed. "Hope, hey."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now