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Davina's currently relaxing on the beach of the Bahamas with a pina colada in one hand. It had been about a week since she'd left New Orleans, and she was actually having a really good time. It felt nice not having to be at everyone's beck and call, as being the only witch in the city not born in the French Quarter did have its perks.

Declan was currently sitting on a beach chair next to her, basking in the sun. Davina had to admit, he was a pretty good travel companion. Even though she was trying to ignore the problems in New Orleans, that didn't mean she didn't receive occasional calls from Camille or Rebekah. They sounded envious, which always made Davina smile. And of course, Camille wanted to know how things were going with her cousin.

The sun was beginning to set when Davina's phone went off. She pushes the sunglasses from her eyes and looks at the caller ID. Weirdly enough, it was Marcel. She frowns as she answers.

"Marcel? Why are you calling me?"

"Hey, Davina. Listen, I know we're not the best of friends, but I just wanted to call you to let you know...Anastasia's alive. We brought her back."

"What? Really? Oh, my god, that's amazing," Davina smiles. "Can I talk to her?"

"Well, at the moment, she's asleep. I guess being dead really takes a toll on you, but if you wanted to see her, have some witch-to-witch talk, I wouldn't protest. She seems to have taken a like to you."

"Uh, yeah, I'll be back in New Orleans tomorrow. Um, thanks for calling," Davina says before hanging up the phone. Declan looks over at her with a curious gaze.

"Are you planning on ditching me here?"

"Oh, not ditch, per say, but something came up and I have to go back to New Orleans. Sorry to cut this trip short, though," Davina tells him sheepishly.

"Ah, don't worry about it. Should probably get back to college, anyways," Declan shrugs.

"What? I thought you said you were free," Davina exclaims before narrowing her eyes.

"Eh, college isn't that important. Not when it comes to vacationing with my wingwoman," Declan chuckles.

"I see. Well, your wingwoman told you to go for a couple of hot ladies on the beach, but you chickened out, so I guess she's a bit useless," Davina tells him.

"Huh. I guess so," he smirks, making Davina kick sand in his lap.

"I'm gonna be so glad to get away from you."


Davina arrives back at the compound the next day and sees none of the Mikaelson siblings. "The hell?" Not even Hayley was around. She rolls her eyes and heads over to the church immediately.

When she knocks on the door, a weak voice responds, "You can come in." Davina enters and her face breaks into a grin when she sees Anastasia laying on the bed.

"You're alive," Davina cheers.

"Yeah, I'm alive, but I feel scarred for life," Anastasia meekly replies. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk about it either."

"No, that's okay. Perfectly fine. I'm just going to sit here, though, because I haven't seen your face in weeks."

Anastasia offers a smile smile in response.


It's the next morning and Davina wakes up after falling asleep on the chair. She looks over at Anastasia, who still seems sad and is a bit paler than usual.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now