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On top of everything that she had to worry about—including Dahlia and where Freya had gone off to—Davina was now fretting about how Kol was trapped in the compound with a bunch of bloodthirsty vampires.

"Have you found Finn's friends yet?"

Davina looks up at Klaus and shoots him a glare. "Would you shut up and quit hovering? I'm still majorly pissed at you."

"Well, you can tell Kol that karma's a bitch," Klaus replies. "That is, if he makes it out alive."

"Okay, if I had the option of walking away right now, I would," Davina snaps. "You're being a complete ass when I'm trying to save the brother you condemned, which seems to be about number ten on your list."

"Number nine, at least."

"I would ask what's wrong with you, but then I'd be sitting here for eternity," she retorts. "He is your brother, you know."

"Yes, but I also have a sister. You'd remember her, since the two of you are practically best friends," Klaus reminds her. "I just happen to care about her more than my traitorous brother."

"Said the traitorous brother who stabs his siblings in the back," Davina points out with an 'are you serious' face. "With daggers."

"Typically, it's in the front," Klaus smirks.

"Shut up," Davina repeats, getting irritated beyond belief.

"Until you tell me where Rebekah is, Kol can rot, as far as I'm concerned. And you might wanna get your villains straight, love, because Finn is the architect of this fiasco. So, pick up the pace! Find out where he's getting his power from, so we can stop it."

Davina rolls her eyes before she begins to chant a spell. She begins to get visions of Finn, who is casting his own spell somewhere in cemetery. He's leaning over a bowl of blood and has several objects, including a fox tail, a feather, and a deer antler sitting on the table around him. When Davina comes out of her vision, she looks extremely concerned. "I saw glimpses of him. He's combining sacred objects. Totems. Representational magic."


"Lafayette, number one. The Lyonne tomb."

"And what's he using?"

Davina closes her eyes again and sees both Esther and Mikael lying desiccated in a salt circle. "It's your parents."

"And here I thought I was the poster-child for least grateful offspring," Klaus exclaims while smiling widely. "Well, then. Shall you and I go crash their little party?"

Davina follows Klaus as he leads them out of the church. Suddenly, Klaus stops in his tracks, gasping for breath. She narrows her eyes at him, not amused. "Now who needs to pick up the pace?" He then falls unconscious and drops to the floor of the church, making Davina raise her eyebrows. "Klaus?" She kicks him, but still no response. "Great. Just...great."


"This is such a waste of time," Davina murmurs to herself as she sits next to Klaus' body. She contemplates something before shrugging, figuring it couldn't do any harm. Davina then begins to slap Klaus harshly across the face. "Wake up! Wake up!" She sighs and sits back down next to him. Suddenly, his phone begins to ring, so Davina pulls it out of his pocket and answers it. "Cami?"

"Davina? Why are you answering Klaus' phone?"

"Well, he's currently a useless pile of flesh at the moment," Davina frowns. "He fell unconscious not too long ago."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now