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Davina and Kol were performing a spell over a cauldron. They dip a poppet into the contents while chanting. When they finish, they put the doll down and look at each other.

"It's done, but it won't be enough to protect Cami," Davina exhales, clearly exasperated.

"I might know a way to distract you from your troubled mind," Kol smirks, causing her to giggle lightly. Marcel then storms into the room and glares at him, not amused.

"You can take this seriously, or I can lock you in a coffin with your brother, Finn, if you prefer," he snaps.

"No. No, I prefer you to bugger off, because this spell needs time to cook in peace," Kol retorts with a grin.

"Cami doesn't have time," Marcel states. "Esther can jump anybody into her body right now."

"To be fair, Marcel, Esther's not gonna jump anybody into her body," Davina points out. "She's going to jump Rebekah, who is miles away at the moment."

"I'd be a little bit testy, too, if my old ex was about to jump into my new ex. I think that would be a bit, uh..."

"Awkward," Camille suggests as she walks into the room.

"I was going to say kinky," Kol chuckles. Marcel suddenly speeds towards Kol and grabs him by the collar of his shirt, but Camille pulls him off.

"I appreciate the chivalry, Marcel, but he'll have an easier time protecting me if he's alive," she reminds him.

Marcel shoots Kol another glare before sighing in frustration. "Keep working." He leaves the room with Camille.

"Good grief," Davina mumbles. "You know, I really don't get your thing with Marcel."

"Eh, it gets a bit old playing odd-man-out in my own family," Kol muses. "You know, Nik, Bex, and Elijah—they were always a party of three. No room for me at the table, but there always seemed to be room for Marcel."

"Sounds like a good enough reason to have beef with him. He's not my favorite guy in the world, either, so we'll just leave it at that." Kol watches as Davina cleans up the herbs from the table.

"You know the diamond I showed you and Ana?"


"That was the baby version. The one that we need to do the dagger spell, well, that has to be a lot bigger. A hundred years ago, I had it in my hand, and Marcel ratted me out to Klaus and they took it. He probably bloody well kept it."

"Pfft, I hate those kinds of people. Since we've got nothing to do right now, why don't we just steal it back?"

"It's like you've read my mind, darling."


Davina and Kol had recruited Anastasia to help them look for the paragon diamond in the compound. Davina searches through a drawer and finds a picture of Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, and Marcel. "Aw, this is a cute picture."

Kol comes over to look at it, and Ana peers over Davina's shoulder. "Wow, you guys look so formal."

"As I've mentioned before, I was a lot better looking back then," Kol remarks with a smirk.

"You never really talk about Rebekah," Anastasia muses.

"Well, there's not much to say, really. She was always their girl. There was one time, though, she did me a solid. Back in Christmas, 1914."

"I always thought that the two of you made a good team," Davina murmurs. "I mean, at least in Mystic Falls."

"I guess we did back then, didn't we?"

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now