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seven years later

Davina walks into her home with a full plate of beignets and a cup of coffee, only to almost drop it all on the floor. "Gah! Seriously? Apollo, you know I love you, but if you make me drop my food, you'll be in the doghouse for a week." The border collie just continues jumping around her feet excitedly as he continues to bark. "Kol!"

Her husband walks out of the kitchen just then with a smirk on his face. "Now that has got to be one of the fastest beignet runs you've ever had, darling."

"Yeah, five minutes and thirty-three seconds," Davina grins, gesturing to the stopwatch around her neck. "I timed myself." Kol good-naturedly rolls his eyes before the two share a sweet kiss. "I'm just saying, I know we promised to watch Ana's dog while she and Declan were on their honeymoon, but if he gets in the way of my eating habits..."

"Aw, don't be mean to the poor fella," Kol chuckles and bends down to pick Apollo up. "Sorry, mate, Davina's just a little grumpy because she hasn't got her morning breakfast in yet."

"And sadly, I don't even get the luxury of eating it at a table since my flight is in...well, shit. It's in an hour," Davina sighs.

"Well, hurry up, grab your bags, and I'll drive you to the airport, love," he tells her. "Don't worry, I'll speed."

"Right," she nods and goes to fetch her things. "I sure as hell don't want to miss out on Mardi Gras prep this year."


Davina steps inside the bustling Rousseau's and joins everyone for Mardi Gras prep at a table. "Hey, I actually made it on time this year. 'On time' being five minutes late, but who's counting?" Everyone shoots her smiles and nod their heads in greeting.

"Hey, D," Josh grins. "Glad to see you. By the way, it's been a month, and you still owe me money that you used to buy Ana's wedding gift."

"It's only been a month, Josh," Davina points out. "You can wait a little longer. But, if I see interest on my tab, I'm coming for you." He just chuckles and shakes his head. "So, uh, did anyone order drinks?"

Poppy, the bartender, then comes over with a tray of alcohol. "Right on cue. Alright, guys, if these don't prep your liver for Mardi Gras, then I don't know what will."

"Eh, my liver was probably dead before I became a vampire, but thanks, Poppy," Josh nods.

"Okay, so we should probably get started on Mardi Gras prep," Vincent says.

"Oh, come on, Vincent, we got this. All right? It's gone off without a hitch for, what, seven years now?"

"Josh, that's because we haven't taken it for granted in seven years. Let me remind you—moments of prosperity are invariably followed by times of great pain, unless we remain vigilant."

Davina snorts and takes a sip of her drink. "And what fortune cookie did you get that from, Vince?"

Freya smirks and sips her alcohol as well. "He's been acting like Mr. Buzzkill all day."

"Okay, Freya and Davina, what have you two got on Mardi Gras prep?"

"The witches will be working on their float in the City of the Dead," they both inform him simultaneously, almost in a mocking monotone.

"The werewolves in the bayou," Hayley adds.


He looks up from his phone, clearly not listening to their conversation. "Yeah?"

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora