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Davina paces around the house while talking on the phone to the brothers. "Did you find her? Was she at Marcel's?"

"Surprisingly, she was not," Elijah sighs. "We had a witch do a locator spell, which told us that Hayley's in the bayou somewhere." She could hear him talk to Klaus on the other end. "We should head south towards the water."

Since the call was on speaker, Davina could also hear Klaus' retort. "You seem quite determined to find the little wolf."

"If I'm moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be sure to leave the windows down." This remark makes Davina snicker quietly.

"Ah, so I've touched a nerve? You've begun to admire this girl. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch."

"If you're going to insist treating her like a walking incubator, then that's your mistake." Davina hears Klaus suddenly pause.

"Wait, did you find her scent," Davina questions.

"No, but I found someone else's. This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of...Tyler Lockwood."

"Tyler Lockwood," Davina repeats, growing curious. "Hmm, do you think he wants revenge? I mean, you did go after his girl."

"Why do I suspect this is the least of your offenses, Niklaus?"

"I'll just allow you two to continue your bickering," Davina snorts. "Call me when you find Hayley." With that, she hangs up the phone.


Davina searches through Esther's grimoire, intent on finding any spell that could resurrect the dead. She did find one that might work, but it required a Nexus Vorti, which would be an event so infrequent, it could be considered miraculous. Thankfully, the directions were pretty easy and only required the drawing of two circles, one of which had to be of the person's ashes.

She didn't feel as though the full moon would give her enough power, but the Hyakutake comet would be coming around in a few months. Thankfully, Davina felt patient enough to wait that long. She smiles to herself and rips out the page with the spell on it.

Suddenly, her phone rings, so she glances at the caller and sees it's Anastasia. Curious, Davina answers the call. "Ana? What's up?"

"So, uh, Marcel came over and he dropped off this vampire named Josh...and I think he expects me to lift Klaus' compulsion, but all I'm doing is causing him a lot of pain. Do you think you'd be able to come over and help?"

"Um, sure. I mean, there's nothing to do to reduce the pain, but the power of two witches will make the process go faster. I'll be right there."


Davina cautiously enters the attic after hearing screams of agony coming from inside. She peeks in to see a vampire lying in a fetal position on the floor.

"Oh, my. Hey, Ana...and you must be Josh," Davina greets.

"W-who are you?"

"I'm Davina Claire...and I guess I'll be helping Ana remove the compulsion from you," she shrugs.

"Seriously? Another super-witch? Ugh," Josh groans and turns over.

"I'm sorry, but it's just going to get worse," Anastasia tells him apologetically. "Klaus' compulsion runs deep, but with the two of us, it'll go by twice as fast." She kneels next to him and helps Josh back into the chair. "You need to think of something else. It'll take your mind off of it. Do you like music?"

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now