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Davina, completely clueless of the events that happened the previous day, was now sitting in the attic of the church, listening to everyone explain what was going on.

"So, where's Klaus?"

"When I told him about Rebekah, he said he'd pursue another lead," Freya explains, looking exhausted. Elijah takes her dagger and slices his hand so he can bleed into a bowl, which was placed atop a large, world map.

"Forget Niklaus. You will find her," Elijah states as he wipes the blood from his hand.

Marcel looks at Freya nervously. "You sure you've got enough ju-ju for a worldwide locator spell?"

"Just to be safe...Davina, come and help. She's family, we won't lose her," Freya assures them.

Davina walks over and places her hands on the rim of the bowl, while Freya does the same. They both begin chanting and eventually pour the blood on the map. Everyone watches the map hopefully as the two witches focus all of their energy on finding Rebekah. Unfortunately, the blood seeps into every corner of the map, not giving an exact location.

"Damn it," Davina mutters under her breath. "The cloaking spell is strong, even for the two of us. We've got our work cut out for us."

Marcel turns to Elijah with a hopeful expression. "The Strix trust me. If they know where Rebekah is, I can find her."

"There's no time. You need to stop Anastasia from activating Tristan and Lucien's weapon," Elijah informs him.

"We need to find Rebekah," Marcel exclaims in exasperation.

"Marcel, I will not rest until my sister is found," Elijah assures him impatiently.

Marcel contemplates what to do before reluctantly nodding. "I'll handle Ana." He leaves the attic just as Hayley turns to Elijah.

"Well, in the meantime, please tell me that we're going to kill someone," she deadpans.

"Oh, we're going to kill many someones. But first, if we're to start a war, let us determine where our allegiances lie." With that, Elijah strolls out of the cathedral.

Freya looks over at Davina, who seems to be rubbing her forehead in frustration. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she nods. "I just feel like I'm forgetting something. Either that, or I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night. Now, let's find Rebekah."


Freya and Davina were looking through their grimoires to find a spell that would help Rebekah. Unfortunately, they weren't having much luck.


"No," Davina sighs and slams her book in annoyance. "We can't even find what continent she's on, let alone the city. At this rate, by the time Rebekah's found, it'll be too late." Frustrated, Freya stands up and makes her way to the staircase. "Hey, where are you going?"

"To get some answers. Coming?"

Davina nods and trails after Freya. The two of them go to the compound, where Klaus and Elijah were having dinner with Tristan, Lucien, and Aurora.

"Well, isn't this a sight," Davina remarks with a frown.

"Davina," Lucien smirks and gives a dramatic wave. "We need to catch up sometime, darling."

"We're not here to socialize," Freya states and looks at Aurora. "I'm surprised that you two are welcoming enemies to the dinner table now. Conveniently enough, she's the one we intend to get answers from."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora