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Davina's glumly stirring a glass of alcohol while sitting at the bar. She still couldn't believe that Anastasia could actually be dead. It wasn't like she hadn't heard the stories of the Harvest, Davina knew that the witches were to be brought back to life once the ritual completed. Something had gone wrong, and it was bugging the hell out of her.

"Well, you look lost in thought," Camille remarks as she approaches Davina from behind the bar. "Supernatural troubles?"

Davina looks up at her before going back to stirring her drink. "Ana's dead. I thought you should know."

"What? Was it Klaus? I told him that if he hurt her..."

"No, it was more complicated than that. She just had a boatload of magic, which was a cause for some creepy blood ritual. Something went wrong, and now she's dead. I told her that she was going to get through it, too. I mean, who says that? Probably jinxed the whole thing," Davina sighs.

Camille stares at Davina empathetically before refilling her glass. "On the house. And for the record, Davina, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me, too," she replies solemnly. "I'll probably just sit here all day, so don't mind me. I won't drink all of your booze, though, so no need to worry."

"Does Josh know?"

"I don't have the heart to tell him. It's just...I can't stop thinking of why she didn't come back to life."

"Sometimes...really terrible things happen to really amazing people," Camille murmurs.

Davina nods in agreement before sipping her drink.


"You know, just because you don't answer your phone doesn't mean people aren't going to stop calling you," Camille points out after Davina's phone went off for the hundredth time.

"Well, those people should a hint. I'm not really in the mood to do any manual labor today," she mumbles.

Camille picks up her phone and glances at the screen wordlessly before showing it to Davina. "Looks important. Rebekah's missing? Hayley and Elijah want you to meet them at the docks."

"Ugh," Davina groans. "But I won't be of any use drunk."

"You're not that drunk, so go," Camille urges. "Save a few lives today."

Davina smirks as she downs the rest of her drink. "You make me sound like a superhero."


Davina arrives at the dock at the same time as Hayley and Elijah. They all approach the warehouse and see that Rebekah's desiccating in a salt circle.

"Rebekah," Elijah exclaims and runs towards her, but can't get past the salt.

"It's a boundary spell," Davina murmurs as she examines the work. "Someone's channeling her, which usually is lethal, but since she's an Original, she can't die. An endless source of power..."

"So, what are we supposed to do?"

"You have to get her out of there."

"It's a convoluted spell, kind of like a witch's recipe. You can spoil the balance by adding a more potent ingredient. A mystical binding agent. I don't know, volcanic ash, rock salt...anything up to and including eye of newt," Davina explains.

"What about the blood of a witch?"

"Uh, do you have the blood of a witch from the French Quarter?"

Elijah turns to Hayley, who immediately understands. "The baby. She's a Quarter witch." She offers him her wrist, which he bites gingerly before holding it over the circle. The boundary fizzles and disappears, allowing Elijah to grab Rebekah. He carries her over his shoulder before grabbing Davina and Hayley's hands and speeds them away.


Davina's back in the compound, currently sitting on her bed. She stares at Kol's ashes longingly before speaking to them. Not that it's weird or anything.

"I wish I could talk to you right now, but I can't, so your ashes are going to have to do. Well, first off, I miss you." Davina lets out a tired sigh before continuing. "Your family's a mess. They keep turning on each other because I guess sibling alliances are too much to ask for. Also, my friend just got sacrificed in a ritual that she was supposed to come back from, but no. Something just had to go wrong, and she didn't. Nothing can ever go right these days, can it?" She rests her chin on her palm and stares out the window.


The next day, Davina and Rebekah return to the compound after they took a walk in the cemetery. Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel were all currently examining Papa Tunde's corpse.

"Well, doesn't this look cheery," Rebekah muses. "Listen to this—a girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving a tour of the city of the dead. It was Monique Deveraux."


"The tourists thought it was part of the show," Davina snorts. "But the witches were celebrating like it was a miracle."

"Maybe it is," Marcel murmurs. "They think that all hope is lost, but suddenly, a Harvest girl is resurrected. This is how we're gonna get Anastasia back—kill the witch that took her place."

"I have a theory of who one of them could be," Hayley says as she had just returned home. "Céleste. I mean, it's got to be. Ana was trying to tell us, she was drawing pictures of Céleste. She was warning us that a greater evil was coming."

"First, Papa Tunde has returned to settle old scores, and now, your murdered lover is back," Klaus mutters, looking at Elijah. "This isn't witches attacking vampires. They're declaring war on us."

"Well, damn," Davina murmurs. "I think it's time I go on vacation." When all heads spin towards her, she gives them an indignant look. "It won't be long, just until the full moon. To be honest, I need a break from all the supernatural hecticness. If you need me, then ring. If not, don't bother me." She then turns towards the compound's exit and leaves.


Davina didn't really care where she went, she just wanted to get away from the problems. At least for a day, more if she could. Honestly, she was just tired of all the wars, fighting, and death.

She continued on walking down the streets of New Orleans until an idea forms in her mind. Davina smiles and pulls out her phone, ready to get out of town.

"Hey, there. I haven't heard your voice in a while, but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a trip with me. Doesn't matter where, but beaches are preferred," she smirks.

"Oh? Well, it just so happens that I'm free for a couple of weeks. Plus, a vacation sounds nice right about now."

"Perfect. So, Bahamas? Or maybe Bora Bora?"

"How 'bout both?"

"Works for me," Davina chuckles. "Alright, pack your bags, Declan, we're going to have a grand time."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now