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Davina suddenly wakes up and looks around, seeing that she was in the ancestral plane. "Oh, good grief." She stands up and hears a familiar voice not too far away. Davina furrows her eyebrows and begins to run towards it.


"No, no, what are you doing here? Ana, what the hell happened?!"

"I...it was Kol. The ancestors magically removed the dagger from him, and he fed on me until I died," Anastasia exhales, clearly shocked by the events as well.

"Well, a bite mark appeared on my neck and I died moments later," Davina groans. "Damn those crafty ancestors. Instead of having Kol kill only one of us, he ended up killing both because we were linked by them."

"Oh, my god. We're so screwed," Anastasia gasps. She feebly points behind Davina, causing her to turn around and sees Kara Nguyen standing not too far away.

"Run. Run," Davina whispers and the two of them sprint in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, more ancestors block their path and begin to close in on them. "This is really unfortunate."

"We've been waiting for you girls," Kara smirks. "We have such plans for you."

"You couldn't have waited a little longer," Davina sarcastically remarks, cocking her head. "I know you all hate us, but this is harsh."

"Davina," Anastasia whispers, freaking out. The two of them clasp hands, unsure of what to do. Davina glances over at Kara and groans when she sees the La Gemme Vital.

"It seems they want to shatter our souls," Davina snorts. "You all need to get hobbies because this is just sad." She takes a step forward with a frown. "Seriously, piss off-" Davina pauses when she sees that she was back in the Mikaelson compound.

"Whatever it is you did, thank you," Anastasia says in a quiet voice, and Marcel nods in response. Davina looks over and notices that her sister was in a salt circle, just the same as herself.

"Davina," Kol breathes and holds his hands up to the barrier. She does the same, though they can't touch.

"Hi," she murmurs tearfully.

"I never meant to hurt you—either of you," Kol tells the witches remorsefully. "When I learned that the two of you were linked..." He trails off, unable to finish his sentence.

"Well, we're here," Davina tells him with a sad smile. "And you're going to bring us back, right?"

"I swear it," he nods. Kol looks at his phone, as he just received a text. "It's Vincent. We'll have the magic to resurrect you both soon."

Davina watches as Kol walks towards the doorway, glancing back at her before leaving.


Davina's sitting cross-legged on the floor and listens to Anastasia talk with Marcel.

"This wasn't your fault or Kol's. The ancestors hate me because of the choices I made," she tells him. "I'm not a kid. I'm not your responsibility."

"Honey, you will always be my responsibility," Marcel emotionally replies.

"What were you supposed to do? Lock me in an attic and keep the world at bay forever? You didn't let me down. I just grew up. Thank you for saving me that first time. And for everything else after. I love you, Marcel," Anastasia says with a slight smile.

"I love you-" Suddenly, Marcel's interrupted when Elijah speeds in and pushes him against the wall.

"Forgive me, Marcel, Davina."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now