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A few months have passed since the night New Orleans went to hell. The night that Hayley and Klaus' daughter had been born, kidnapped, rescued, and sent away. Rebekah was taking care of baby Hope now, somewhere far away. The only way to keep her safe was to make everyone think she died during the werewolf attack. Only family knew she was alive.

Davina hadn't really talked to Anastasia since that night. Honestly, she hardly saw her around town. Mikael must be taking up all her time. She didn't have the heart to tell the Mikaelsons that their father was alive, not after all they've been through. Hayley was having a hard time adjusting to being a hybrid, but that was to be expected.

Even though Davina's spell had failed, that didn't mean she stopped looking for a way to bring Kol back. Unfortunately, no bright ideas came up because she had no clue why the spell didn't work in the first place. It annoyed her to no end. Almost as much as the fact that the Guerrera werewolves have taken over the city.

Davina sighs and pushes all of her mind-numbing thoughts to the back of her head. They were giving her a migraine. She strolls into her favorite vinyl shop to pick out some new classic rock records.

"Hey, Joe," she nods with a smile.

"Davina, good to see you," Joe replies, returning the friendly greeting. "Looking for some new records?"

"Yeah. I've listened to all of my other ones far too many times," Davina chuckles. "Pretty sure they're getting worn out. Any suggestions?"

"Since you're into classic rock, I figure you already have records to the famous artists, like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC..."

Davina smirks, as she had records from all three bands. Classic rock had been a bit of an obsession lately. She begins looking through the artists on the shelves before seeing Guns N' Roses and Aerosmith. They would be nice to add to the collection.

"I think I'll take these two," Davina says as she grabs them.

"Nice choices," Joe grins, satisfied with her picks. She walks over to the register, where he rings them up for her. "Have a good day, now."

"Ah, you, too." Davina is about to exit the store and ends up running into a young guy. She notices him slightly gaping at her, which adds a bit awkwardness. "Sorry, my fault." He just nods slowly without saying a word before going to the back of the store. The werewolf, Oliver, enters then, making Davina roll her eyes.

"Hey, there, cutie," he smirks.

"Yeah, no, don't call me that," she snaps and attempts to move past him.

"Good call to run away," Oliver remarks with a raised eyebrow. "Things are about to get ugly in here." He suddenly raises his voice so all the patrons can hear. "Hey, y'all, store's closed! Get out, now!" However, this makes Davina suspicious, so she doesn't move a muscle.

Joe looks at him, clearly confused. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"It's Joe Dalton, right? You see, I've been studying up on this store. It's been a staple to the Quarter for ninety years, run by you, your daddy, and then his daddy before that."

"That's right," Joe grinds out.

"Yeah, you see, there just ain't many pictures of anyone in your family, Joe." He pulls out a black and white picture of a young man. "Except for you."

Realizing that Oliver had figured out that Joe was a vampire, Davina panics. "Oliver, no!" Joe attempts to speed to the exit, but more werewolves block his path. "No, stop it! Stop!" She quickly casts a pain-infliction spell on all of the werewolves, causing them to grab their heads in agony. "Get the hell out of here, Joe. Hurry." He flees, leaving Oliver to glare at Davina. "Wow, sucks for you, bud. Sorry." She then saunters out of the store with her records.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now