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"I'll send you in the Chambre de Chasse now, and then I'll show up a little later with Freya. Listen, the way out is through representational magic. There are keys that resemble each one of you. Go along with it, work together to try to find a way out," Davina tells Kol as she prepares to perform her spell.

"Alright, I'm sure this will all go off without a hitch," Kol remarks, somewhat sarcastically.

"Let's just hope," she sighs and begins to murmur the spell. After a moment, Kol collapses, as Davina had successfully sent his mind into the Chambre de Chasse. She then manages to drag his body into her car and drives back into New Orleans. Her and Freya meet up at the church, quickly exchanging silent greetings before transporting themselves into the mental prison as well.

"The bigoted undead. That's new. They must have a witch for hire," they hear Rebekah say from inside a room.

"A witch that's spent enough time here to replicate every detail. This is Elijah's prized Cheval Blanc," Kol adds, gesturing to a bottle of wine.

"The culprit may be closer to home. A witch who knows the compound well and who doesn't trust you to stay away from Elijah. Someone who would risk everything to save New Orleans from plagues," Freya speaks up as she and Davina descend down the stairs.

"Vincent," Klaus says with a bitter smile.

"On the bright side," Davina muses, "he would never harm Hope. You all, on the other hand—I doubt he'd have any qualms with shipping your bodies to the four corners of the world."

"All of our bodies? He isn't here, is he?"

"He is," Elijah announces as he enters the room. "And I think I might've just found a way out of here."


"This wasn't here before," Elijah states, referring to the several locks on a white door located in the courtyard. "What is it?"

"It's representational magic. I expect there are keys, one for each of us, hidden somewhere meaningful. Somewhere connected to who we are," Kol explains, occasionally glancing at Davina.

"And for those who don't remember who we are?"

"I'll give Antoinette your regards," Klaus frowns.

"Okay, look, the door won't open unless all six keys are found," Davina informs them.

"Which means the only way out is together," Freya adds with a significant look.

"Elijah, if we're to get through this without bloodshed, I recommend that you go to the corner of the house furthest from Nik. Come on. Follow me," Kol tells him and they walk out of the room together.

Klaus approaches the door before turning back to the girls. "Split up. We need to turn this house upside-down. I only just promised my grieving daughter I wouldn't abandon her again. I can't be stuck here." He then walks away as well, leaving Freya and Davina with Rebekah.


"I've been wondering," Rebekah murmurs as they look around for their keys. "If this is to keep my siblings and I from coming together, then why are you here, D? And Freya, you're unnecessary to the equation as well."

"I guess Vincent thought we would be best in here," Davina sighs, feigning annoyance. "I don't know." They walk back into the courtyard and see that Klaus was smashing one of the stone Mikaelson crests with a hammer, clearly frustrated.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now