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Davina walks with Anastasia up to one of the booths in the Jackson Square market, which are mainly run by witches.

"Hi," Anastasia greets, though the witch tending to the stand doesn't look up. "Do you sell any Angelica flower?" When she still says nothing, Anastasia grinds her teeth in annoyance. "Okay, I know I've been shunned, but you can at least look at me."

"What does it take to get some hospitality around here? Because, uh, I'd gladly threaten you if that was what it took," Davina remarks, making the witch glance up to scowl at her. "Ah, there's the eye contact."

Josh then approaches the booth as well. "Hellooo? I'm in the market for some angelica. Perhaps you've heard of it? No? Okay. Follow-up question—do you happen to have any kind of comment box, or complaint hotline? Because I've got a few thoughts about your customer service that—trust me—you do not want to end up on Yelp."

"It's no use, Josh," Davina grumbles, glaring at the woman. "Honestly, let's just take it and go." She plucks a flower from the counter before the three of them walk away.

"So, I was thinking that my phone might've broke since I haven't received any calls from you in the past few days," Josh tells Anastasia. "It's enough to make a guy feel shunned or something. Oh! Sorry, too soon?"

"I'm sorry for not calling you, Josh," Anastasia sighs. "It's just...things have been pretty hard."

"Well, that's why you've got friends—so you don't have to do the terrible parts alone," he reminds her. Suddenly, a limo pulls up next to them, which confuses Josh. "Uh, should I be worried or, like, really excited right now?"

The backseat window rolls down to reveal Aya. Davina glares at her harshly and steps forward. "You have some nerve approaching us."

"Ah, I see. Two witches for the price of one," Aya comments. "I suggest you both get in. We have much to discuss."

"Like hell we're getting in anywhere with you," she scoffs. "You've done so much bad to everyone around here that I wouldn't even know where to start."

"Miss Claire, I'd like to apologize on behalf of the vampire that poisoned you the other day. You weren't the target."

"So, you're saying Freya was? Because that's so much better," Davina deadpans.

"I have an offer that you both would be very interested in taking. It includes the bringing back of someone from the dead," Aya states.

"Oh, no, you are such a-"

"Wait...maybe we should listen to what she has to say," Anastasia suggests and begins to get in the limo.

"For the love of god," Davina grumbles and follows in suit. "I'd like to just say I hate all of the Strix with a passion, so, you know, keep that in mind when trying anything."


Aya has just brought Anastasia and Davina to the Strix headquarters, which has a large, in-ground pool in the middle that is full of herbs and flowers. Kneeling around the pool are six female witches who seem to be doing a ritual.

Davina was trying her best to tune out what Aya was saying, but it was kind of hard since she talked so loud. "As you know from your own experience, any vampire who seeks true power will inevitably require the aid of a witch. We Strix are no exception. However, I have found that witches for hire can only be trusted so far, and so...meet the Sisters, wayward souls with an extraordinary capacity for magic. Of course, when I found them, they were nothing but orphans and outcasts belonging nowhere and with no one until they found a home here with us."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now