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Davina, having just learned the news that Camille was in transition, made her want to murder somebody. That particular person being Aurora. She was walking aimlessly around the compound when a tourist then enters, making Davina frown.

"Hey, this is private property, not an attraction," she informs him with a frown. "Please, make yourself scarce." Without a word, the man holds out a box towards her, causing only more confusion. Davina cautiously steps forward and takes it. The man then walks out of the compound. Though feeling scared to open it, she reluctantly lifts up the lid, only to let out a small shriek. "Oh, my god!"

There was a heart placed inside, and by reading the note that came along with it, she knew exactly whose it was. Tears begin to fill her eyes and Davina sink to her knees, devastated by this news.

Elijah and Vincent then appear at the doorway of the compound. Elijah notices her horrified look and speeds over to her, clearly concerned. "Davina, what is it?"

"A messenger came," she chokes out. "Some compelled tourist. He gave me this..." Davina hands him the box, which he tentatively opens before immediately shutting it again, afraid of what he was about to learn.


"Jackson's." Elijah closes his eyes, overwhelmed at the fact that Hayley's husband, who she loved dearly, was now dead. Davina then holds up the letter that came with it. "Courtesy of the Strix." She sighs and makes her way over to the couch while Elijah quickly skims the parchment.

"So, unless we meet their demands, Hayley will be next."


Davina was gathered with Elijah, Klaus, and Vincent to discuss ways that they could set up their plan against the de Martels.

"Two Original vampires and two powerful witches against an army of miscreants? I'm rather looking forward to it," Klaus states.

"Keep in mind that I'm mortal, and as much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing. So, let me go to the covens. I can propose an alliance. They hate you guys, but if I explain what's going on..."

"There's no time," Elijah sighs.

"There's never time," Davina remarks bitterly. "But just keep in mind that this prophecy is still looming above you all. Tristan could very well be the foe that leads you all to destruction. As Rebekah's already on the run, I'd rather you two not be lost as well."

"Rebekah's safe," Elijah mumbles uncomfortably before looking over at Klaus. "Brother, perhaps you should stay..."

"And what kind of father would I be if I didn't fight for the mother of my child? No, I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristan de Martel, of all people," he replies.

"Intention's got nothing to do with it. As long as Tristan de Martel has the Serratura and your baby's mama, the advantage is all his," Vincent tells them.

"Then let's just take his advantage," Davina suggests. "I'm assuming someone here can retrieve something of Aurora's?"


Davina tries to go in the spare bedroom and ends up bumping into a boundary. "Woah, what the hell?"

"Oh, thank god," Camille exclaims and rushes over. "Davina, you have to let me out of here. Klaus is refusing to let me die a human, when that's all I wish to do. Please, you've got to break the barrier spell."

"Alright," she murmurs and begins chanting under her breath. "There, it's done." Camille looks at her with relief and walks past the salt line.

"I appreciate that, considering it may be one of the nicest things anyone's done for me all day," Camille remarks.

"Listen, I know you're intent on not feeding, which I completely understand. You're one of my closest friends, Cami, but I'm behind you all the way when it comes to choosing the direction your life will go," Davina tells her. "I just...I was wondering if you'd maybe consider spending your last moments helping a friend?"


Davina's in the attic of St. Ann's with Vincent, though she still looks angry at him for what he did to Anastasia. There a several lit candles and bones scattered on the table, which surround a cauldron of blood. She's holding a poppet that happens to have a blonde wig pinned on.

"You think this is gonna work?"

"Mmhm," she nods before scowling. "Seeing as you somehow ended up as Regent after betraying Ana, I can channel you and your ancestral magic."

"Listen, about Ana-"

"Save it. We're trying to help another friend out, so don't use this time up to defend yourself," Davina states. Vincent just nods and offers her his hand, which she takes while holding the poppet in the other. They begin chanting, and Davina slowly dips the doll into the blood.

After a few moments, they can sense Camille has passed the boundary, so Vincent removes the blonde hair and drops it into a candle flame.


Davina and Vincent arrive at the cemetery after each receiving a text from Camille. They approach her, as she was currently placing a bouquet of flowers at her dead brother's tomb.

"Hey," Davina greets softly. "We came as soon as you texted."

"It's a funny place to have a chat," Vincent remarks.

"Hmm. Hilarious. A dead girl leaving soon-to-be-dead flowers at her dead brother's grave. It's just another pointless ritual in a pointless life," she sarcastically comments.

Vincent looks at her sympathetically. "I know what you're going through."

When Camille shoots him a skeptical look, Davina snorts. "What he means is that even in your lowest place, when you think things couldn't get any worse, you still have people who care about you and that will be there for you, no matter what. For example, us, Ana, Will, and, uh, even Klaus, if you want him."

Tears begin to fill Camille's eyes and she steps forward to give Davina and Vincent a hug each. "You don't need to give me a speech. You're two of the most understanding people I know, and you guys won't judge my decision."

"No way. I'm the last person to be judgy," Vincent sighs. "My life is messed up as it is. But, uh, I will say this—as crazy is the world is with the monsters and the lunatics running around...it's still a better place with you in it."

"You know, what I did today, risking my life to fight one of those monsters...it felt good," she admits.

"Doesn't it? When you embrace who you are, it's one of the most amazing feelings in the world," Davina smiles.

"My uncle was really big into doing the right thing. Wanted to help the people, fix the city...maybe...if I stuck around, I could...continue what he did. If I was a vampire, I would have the strength to make a difference. Of course, I would have to feed..."

The witches, understanding what she was implying, exchange looks with each other before turning back to Camille. "So, which of us would you rather taste?"

She just gives a slight chuckle before shaking her head. "I don't..."

Without another word, Vincent takes out a small dagger and slices his wrist with it, letting the blood seep out. "You sure about this?"

"Not even in the slightest," Camille mumbles, though is completely entranced by the sight and smell. She suddenly begins feeding on his wrist, causing him to groan in pain slightly. Davina watches as her eyes redden and the veins around them darken. She had completed her transition.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now