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Davina's frantically flipping through her grimoires, desperate to find some way to help Kol. Unfortunately, she had found nothing so far.

"Hello, D," she hears an unfamiliar voice greet from the doorway. Davina looks up to see a woman that she didn't recognize.

"Oh, uh..."

"Ah, of course, you wouldn't be able to tell it's me in this body. I'm Rebekah," she tells her, making Davina nod.

"Right. Hey, Bex," Davina says, attempting a small smile. "I'm glad you're here, even in another body."

"You okay, love? You're looking a bit down," she comments.

Davina remains silent before hesitantly shaking her head. "I-I'm fine. It's nothing." Kol told her that he wanted to be the one to tell his siblings, so she agreed she wouldn't say anything. It really, really sucked.

"Hmm. If you say so. Anyways, there something I need to tell you. While I was trapped in the loony bin where Kol sent me, I ran into someone. She said she was Freya and rather looked like her as well."

"What? That's where she went off to?"

"So our older sister is no longer sleeping in her coffin? I guess that would explain her presence there," Rebekah murmurs.

"Wait, is she still there?"

"No, she darted off into the night to who knows where. I ask this question tentatively, as I know this brings up bad memories, but if Freya is awake, then does that mean-"

"That your crazy Aunt Dahlia is awake, too? Yeah," Davina sighs. "Even paid me a visit per hallucination. It was rather annoying."

"Well, then. Did anything else happen while I was gone?"

"Um...I think Hayley's getting married to Jackson."

"Oh! That's a twist in what I expected," she replies with a slight smile.


Davina's sitting in the courtyard when Klaus walks in, looking particularly frustrated after a phone call.

"That was Aiden. Finn has Marcel," he informs her, just as Rebekah enters.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. Nor do I know where they are, what they're doing, or what specifically to do about it. This family makes me want to murder people," he growls in annoyance.

"Oh, you and me both, honey," Davina mutters under her breath. "Please, start with Finn."

"Well, you seem rather eager to off one of my siblings. Any particular reason why, love?"

Suddenly, Kol appears behind them, looking exhausted and nervous as he enters the compound. "I see my timing is impeccable as usual."

"Huh. The traitor just waltzes in here like he's welcome," Klaus exclaims, appalled.

"As gracious as your apology better be, you're still getting one hell of a slap," Rebekah growls angrily before trying to lunge at him. However, Kol holds a hand up and backs away.

"Wait! Wait. I understand the irony of what I'm about to say, but I came here because I need your help," he informs them. Davina stands up, worried about how his siblings might react.

Klaus just laughs dramatically, while Rebekah only becomes more enraged. "Figure out how to do your wicked little body-swap, and then we can talk about help!"

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now