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Davina is about to enter Anastasia's room when the door slams in her face. She hears her yell, "Go away, Marcel!"

"Woah, Ana, hold up, it's just me," Davina tells her through the door. She can hear the lock click and the door opens again.

"Sorry about that," she smiles sheepishly. "I thought Marcel was here to deliver another meaningless apology."

"Right, about your friend, Tim," Davina nods.

"I can't believe they poisoned you, too," Anastasia exclaims, sounding frustrated.

"Well, they didn't know I would drink from the water, but that doesn't mean I won't beat Klaus up when I see him next."

"I, for one, hate Klaus and want to see him pay," Anastasia mutters. Suddenly, she begins coughing violently before spewing large amounts of dirt from her mouth.

"Oh, my god. Ana? Ana," Davina murmurs and rushes to her side. She begins rubbing the young witch's back just as Klaus bursts in the room.

"What is with all the racket?" He then notices all of the dirt laying on the bed. "Bloody hell."

Davina stands up and marches over to Klaus before harshly slapping him on the face. She smiles to herself when there's a red handprint visible on his face. "That's for poisoning Ana and her friend. Oh, and for killing me," she hisses at him. The house then begins to shake violently, as though there's an earthquake. Davina stumbles back towards the bed. "Ana, what's going on?"

"I don't know," she stammers. "There's something wrong with me."


"Okay, okay, I think I know what's going on here," Davina sighs as she paces anxiously in Anastasia's room. "Um, all that power that you've accumulated during the Harvest ritual, it's slowly destroying you from the inside. Not to mention that the whole city is going to end up in flames by the end of this."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You're cycling through the four elements that bound together the Harvest. Earth, air, water, and fire. Each stage will be more intense than the next, so you'll probably blow the roof off of this place. Then the city might flood a bit before it burns down."

"What?! What am I supposed to do? I mean, how do we stop this?"

Rebekah enters the room just then with a worried look on her face. "They want to complete the Harvest."

"Seriously," Davina deadpans, not looking too thrilled. "Don't just drop it on her like that, she's gonna-"


"Panic," Davina finishes.

"The witches say you'll be resurrected," Rebekah assures her.

"They're liars! They'll say anything to get what they want! Just like Marcel. Just like you," Anastasia yells.

"Ana, you may think that I don't care about you, but you're wrong. I know what it's like to have your life stripped away from you because of other people's bad decisions. How do you think I became a vampire?" Rebekah then pulls out a giant syringe, making Anastasia's eyes go wide with fear. Davina practically facepalms, as this was not a good way to calm her down.

"What is that?"

"The more upset you become, the faster you deteriorate. I compelled up a sedative," Rebekah explains.

"Bex, that's not going to calm her down the way you want it to," Davina groans. "She'll just be even more panicked once it wears off."

"We're trying to keep her calm, keep her alive," Rebekah replies.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now