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Davina was carrying a bag of beignets and a cup of coffee across the street with Freya by her side.

"So, this Christmas is going to be your first in a long time, huh," Davina remarks as they reach the sidewalk.

"Yeah," Freya nods with a small smile. "Have you celebrated Christmas ever since you returned to the family?"

"Celebrated? Not really," she sighs. "I mean, unless you count singing Christmas karaoke in the car."

"Maybe you should show me your skills sometime," Freya smirks, making Davina chuckle.

"You are going to quickly regret ever requesting that." The two walk over to Freya's car, which was parked in a nearby alley. Davina opens the door and places her bag and coffee inside. Suddenly, the witches sense someone approaching them and exchange glances. "Fair warning, we're armed."

Freya spins on her heel and faces the guy, who happens to be a member of the Strix, and immediately snaps his neck. Unfortunately, another man appears behind her, and when she thrusts her arm out, he breaks it before grabbing something. "Ugh!"

Davina twists her hand, causing the vampire's neck to crack. Two more vampires appear, so she casts a pain-infliction spell on one, while Freya kills the other with a swift movement of her unbroken arm. The remaining vampire speeds towards Davina, yet still in pain, and stabs her in the neck with a spiked ring. She gasps and holds her hand to her neck, but manages to clench her other fist, thoroughly killing him. Suddenly, Jackson appears, looking impressed at the pile of dead vampires by their feet.

"Well, I thought you two might need some help, but it seems the badass witches have it all under control," he remarks with a raised eyebrow.


Davina and Jackson bring the injured Freya into the compound, where Hayley was currently waiting.

"Hey, I got your text. What happened?" Hayley approaches them, seeing how badly Freya's arm looks.

"Three vampires jumped us," Davina explains while wincing. The cut on her neck really hurt. "Presumably the Strix. She's gonna need your blood."

"And so do you, apparently," she murmurs, gesturing to Davina's neck. Hayley bites her wrist before letting Freya drink and then offers her blood to Davina. Once they're both healed, the hybrid cocks her head. "You guys okay?"

Freya nods but then frowns when she realizes something. "They took it. The Serratura. Davina and I were meeting with someone from the bloodline who built the lock. I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible. She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it. We have to get it back and lock something else away. Anything but my family."

"Great," Hayley groans, realizing how bad their situation was. "Why don't we pay Tristan a visit and ask him very, very nicely?"

Suddenly, Elijah enters the courtyard wearing a very solemn expression. "I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem."

Rebekah then walks in, looking pale and exhausted, but she still smiles. "Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever encountered."


Davina was sitting on the armrest of the couch that Rebekah occupied. Freya was currently examining the marking on her arm. Elijah was pacing while Hayley and Jackson stood nearby, looking concerned.

"So, doc, what's the verdict? Hit me with the bad news," Rebekah sighs.

"Aya's stake was cursed. It infected you. As this mark grows, you will go mad. Left unchecked, you will become a relentless, unstoppable Ripper," Freya informs her with a frown.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ