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Davina's with Anastasia in the pool room, and they're both consulting the notes hung on the wall. Marcel then enters, looking visibly concerned.

"Have you got everything needed to break the sire-link?"

"Almost. Aya's getting the rest. We should be ready by sunrise. It'll be fine, I promise. You may feel some warmth when the spell begins, but it'll pass when the link's broken," Anastasia tells him.

"Yeah, thanks to Jackson's heart which was stolen from his widow," Davina adds.

"Jackson was a friend to them, as he was to us, which means we crossing a very thin line here. Crazy spell. Substitute hearts. Creepy witches helping you out. What if the warmth is the last thing I feel?"

"This is a long shot, Marcel," Anastasia informs him. "But, if we don't save you, then we can't save Josh, and we can't save Kol. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you guys."


Davina, Anastasia, and the other Sisters were preparing for the spell with Klaus and Elijah's unconscious bodies lying in the pool. Marcel enters the room just then, looking nervous.

"Any problems?"

"No. We're nearly there. After today, one man's recklessness will no longer weigh on the shoulders of his sires. Thousands of vampires across the world will be freed from the tyranny of the Originals," Aya tells him. "I'm really glad you're here, Marcel." She then places a hand on his chest. "Stay close when it happens."

"Mm. Oh, I'm not going anywhere," he tells her. As soon as she walks away, Marcel rushes over to Davina and Ana, who were kneeling by the pool. "Did either of you know?"

"Know what?"

"She's going to kill them. Klaus first. Then, if the sireline is proven broken, Elijah won't last much longer," Marcel explains frantically.

Davina gapes at him, but Anastasia looks indifferent. "I didn't know. But...does that really change anything?"

"Uh, yes, Ana," Davina exclaims, horrified. "We're not going to get Elijah and Klaus killed!"

"Why not? After everything they've done, why not?"

"Well, one, if it fails and Aya puts one of Aurora's bullets in Klaus' heart, I die. Josh dies."

"Yeah, and even if it does work, Klaus will be dead. He's my family, and he will be dead," Davina repeats, trying to emphasize her point.

"How can you call him your family after everything he's done to you? To me, your sister? To Kol? He's had his turn, Davina. And Marcel, I get it. Klaus saved you like you saved me. You think you owe him, but you don't. Two years ago, you asked me to find a way to break the sire link because you wanted to kill Klaus. I swore to you that I would find a way to do it. Now, I have. You trusted me then."

"Circumstances have changed, Ana. Things are different now-"

"No! We've always protected each other. When you had me shunned, I was furious. But now...I get it. You'll always protect me, no matter what. Even if I hate you for it. You deserve to be free of Klaus. We all do."


"Davina, please." Davina looks at Anastasia, clearly conflicted, before glancing at Marcel. She notices him give her a minuscule nod, meaning he was going to do something to stop their deaths.

"...fine," she lies, desperately hoping that whatever Marcel was planning would work.


~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now