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"So, Josh, Marcel didn't have anything better to do than drag me along with him to the abandoned MSP Plant. Apparently, this Emmett dude is up to something, and we should probably get the upper-hand. So, uh, call me back if you get this." Davina hangs up her phone and shoots Marcel an expectant look. "What exactly is Emmett planning?"

"That is what we're going to find out. Come on." Marcel walks towards the warehouse and Davina follows him after sighing.

"Ominous lighting," she murmurs as they step inside. "Creepy walls. All we need is some eerie music and bam, we're in a horror movie. And here we are, the idiots who decide walking into one of these places is a good idea."

Suddenly, a vampire jumps down behind the two of them and lunges for a punch, but Marcel grabs his arm, twisting it backwards. More vampires come out of the dark recesses, so Davina thrusts her hand out, snapping a few necks. Unfortunately, another witch appears and casts a pain-infliction spell on the both of them.

"The great Marcel Gerard," Emmett declares as he approaches them. "And the infamous witch, Davina Claire. We've been waiting for you." He takes out a pair of the magic-restraining shackles and puts them on her before the other witch snaps Marcel's neck.

"Ugh," Davina groans. "Definitely the stupid main characters in a horror movie."


She knew she should've listened to Kol when he told her this was a bad idea. But no, Davina had to be the stubborn person she was and decided to go on the suicide mission, anyways. Now, Marcel was strapped to a seat with a contraption that would extract venom from his fangs. Davina was currently chained to a pole, unable to do anything but regret her decisions.

"You into the pervy stuff, eh," she remarks, as Emmett creeped her out. "I'm pretty sure Marcel doesn't fly that way."

"You're pretty charismatic for a girl who's going to die today," he replies while fiddling with a machine.

"I wish you would shut up about my amazing personality," Davina grumbles just as Marcel wakes up. He angrily pulls at his restraints, causing Emmett to chuckle.

"Don't bother. They're enchanted. You do see the irony here? Years ago, had someone threatened you, there would've been a legion of vampires searching to find and save you, but you forsook us, threw in your lot with the Mikaelsons. Now no one is coming because no one cares. You're by yourself, disregarding the company of your mouthy witch friend."

"This mouthy witch friend is offended that you think we have no friends, whatsoever."

"Oh, we know you've got friends, Davina, and they're going to come rescue you,  which is precisely what we're counting on."


"Would you believe it if I told you you were the reason I came to New Orleans? I'd been hearing the stories for years, how the wolves and witches lived under the thumb of a true king," Emmett says as he continues to extract Marcel's venom. "How the vampires lived by a code of honor, loyalty to your own kind, or else. What a disappointment you turned out to be. Being a vampire wasn't enough. You thought you could be better, so you turned yourself into an abomination. Well, at least your venom can help us where you've failed. Did you know there are stories about it, too? How it can take down a hybrid, an Original, even Hope Mikaelson, whatever she is. Guess we'll see what it can really do soon enough."

"Oh, my god, stop talking," Davina exclaims. "Your voice is like nails on a chalkboard and your ranting is making me want to off myself."

"I'll do the honors...once someone comes to your rescue."


Davina sighs, resting her forehead on the metal pole. She wasn't sure how long they'd been there, but it was a good thing she didn't tell anyone their location except Josh. Right on cue, he pokes his head out from behind a wall before approaching Marcel, who was in a salt circle.

"Josh, not a good idea," Davina warns him, but a little too late as he bounces off the boundary. The witch appears behind him, but he easily speeds back and snaps the man's neck. Marcel is able to break his restraints while Josh hurries over and frees Davina from her shackles.

Unfortunately, a horde of vampires come out from the shadows and begin to approach the trio. Josh and Marcel start fighting the vampires off while Davina casually knocks one of the tables over that had tubes of venom. Shortly after, all of the vampires are dead.

Marcel notices Josh panting while leaning against a pole. "What is it?"

"Josh, what's wrong? Josh," Davina worriedly questions and rushes over to him. He turns around, revealing that a syringe of Marcel's venom was stabbing him in the heart.

"Well, that can't be good," he mumbles.

"No, no, you are not going to die. Lie down, we're going to get the cure," she tells him, panicking. "I'll call Freya, okay?"

"Davina," Josh wheezes as he sits back on the steps.

"Try to hold still so the potion doesn't move through your system," Marcel advises.

"Guys. It's already in my heart. You've got to believe me, okay?"

"I leave town for a few years, and suddenly, you know everything," he remarks with a sad smile.

"I always knew everything. I just played dumb so you'd put up with me." Josh switches his gaze between Marcel and Davina. "Davina, I remember meeting you, the super-witch, while Ana was removing my compulsion. I never knew that we would become best friends, but, hey. Fate can do awesome things for you, occasionally." She gives him a small smile and he chuckles weakly. "You'll tell her I said goodbye?"

Davina lets a few tears escape from her eyes as she nods. "I promise."

"Marcel, you remember when we met?"

"Yeah, you wouldn't pick up that coin. Even if it meant you died, you still wouldn't betray your friend."

"Luckily for me, you've got your whole loyalty thing. And, uh, I know that that's the only reason you spared me that day." Marcel shakes his head no while his eyes water. "But now, you are my family."


Davina and Marcel comfort Josh as he takes his final few breaths before desiccating.

"Life is turning into a bloody funeral, isn't it? Josh, you were the most loyal person that I've ever met," she whispers.

"To your friends, to the city...to what you believed. Rest in peace, dear friend."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें