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Weeks had passed by now. Davina and Freya were in one of the upstairs bedrooms, sprawled out on the floor with Hope. There were toys scattered around them while Elijah watched from the doorway.

"She's getting bigger by the second," Freya smiles.

"And cuter," Davina gushes. "Oh, my god, I really want a kid now."

Elijah chuckles lightly and looks at the two witches. "Thank you both for all your care."

"Tomorrow's the full moon," Davina sighs. "We could help you bring Hope to Hayley, if you'd like."

"That won't be necessary. You two deserve the night off. Besides, Davina, I'm sure you'd want to get back to finding a resurrection spell for Kol."

"Ah, well, I've still had no such luck. Ana's pissed at your family and keeps ignoring my calls," she admits. "I mean, am I being the bad sister or is she? I really have no practice in this."

"I'd say you both need to talk to each other and work things out," Freya advises her. She then gives Elijah a significant look, which he brushes off.

"Davina, Freya, and Elijah," Klaus greets as he enters the room. "You all seem to be chipper today."

"Well, I was," Davina snorts. "Until you came by. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go slave over my spellbook." She hastily exits the room, but not before seeing Elijah's expression, which was identical to hers.


Davina's paging through her grimoire in Kol's playhouse when her phone rings. She glances at the caller and raises an eyebrow once she sees who it is. "Wow," Davina answers in a slightly sarcastic tone. "I'm finally being graced with a call from the Regent of New Orleans. I feel special."

"Don't be like that," she hears Anastasia say.

"Oh, so I'm not supposed to be upset that you haven't talked to me in weeks? You've ignored my calls, my texts, and you're never anywhere," Davina exclaims.

"I'm sorry," Anastasia apologizes. "It's just...I can't be seen around the Mikaelsons...or you."

"And why not me? Do I look like a damn vampire?"

"It's just that the elders don't think you're a good influence. The Mikaelsons are your family, and I-"

"You know who else my family is? Ahem, I'll give you a hint," Davina snaps. "Y. O. U."


"No, you know what? I don't even think a phone call is going to suffice. If you really want to talk to me, do it in person." Davina then ends the call and groans loudly in exasperation. The day was not off to a good start.


A while later, Davina hears a knock on the tomb door. She sighs and goes to check who it is, only to see Anastasia standing there with a hood on.

"Wow," Davina deadpans. "Now, I'm being graced with the Regent of New Orleans' presence!" When she sees the look on Anastasia's face, Davina sighs and gestures for her to come in. "So...why are you here?"

"First of all, I came to apologize in person," Anastasia mumbles sheepishly.

"While wearing a shady hood," Davina points out with a raised eyebrow. "If you can't tell, I'm not in the best mood today, so your apology better be epic."

"I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you for so long. Trust me, I've hated it, too. The elders, they've practically forbidden me to hang out around vampires, and, well, you. The witches of New Orleans don't like you much because of your history and the fact that you're a vampire sympathizer."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora