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Davina and Anastasia were currently in Kol's playhouse, shifting through notes and grimoires, though both were looking worse for wear. Rebekah comes in just then with an anxious look on her face.

"Hello, girls," she greets with a grim smile. "I don't suppose you'd feel like helping out a friend? I've been having the strangest visions and I figure that since you're both witches, you'd know what was wrong."

"Are you serious? I'm supposed to drop all of my work to help you figure out your nightmares?" Anastasia looks at Rebekah in annoyance while Davina just plonks her head on the table.

"Look, they're more than dreams. I just came here hoping you'd have some witchy way to fix it," Rebekah says hopefully. "Though, you two don't look too good yourselves. Have you gotten any sleep lately?"

"I can answer that one with a big, fat no," Davina groans. "I've been stressing over this Dahlia business, as well as trying to find a way to resurrect Kol. Sleep isn't a priority at the moment."

"I thought you promised to help us find a way to bring him back," Anastasia points out bitterly.

"Look, I can't help Kol if the witch he stuck me in ends up taking me over! There's something wrong. I think the rightful owner of this body is waking up inside me, and she's angry."

"These are Kol's grimoires," Davina informs Rebekah with a tentative smile. "There might be something that can help."


Davina had received a text that said Elijah and Klaus were inviting Freya over to  the compound to learn information about Dahlia, and she was invited to come. She declined, as learning about the bitch that had kidnapped her wasn't on her to-do list. All Davina wanted to know was how to kill her and that be the end of it. She suspected that Freya wouldn't trust Klaus enough to spill the information at their little meeting.

She continues to page through her grimoires with Anastasia but they still haven't found anything to help Rebekah yet.


The witches turn and see Rebekah standing by the doorway of the tomb with a blank stare on her face.

"Bex," Davina nods before shaking her head. "We haven't found anything yet. Sorry."

"Oh, that's not why I'm here, darlings." Rebekah approaches the two of them and suddenly cracks Davina's neck. Anastasia's eyes widen and she begins to back up, but Rebekah whips out a knife and carves a symbol on her forehead.


Davina wakes up shackled to a wall in an abandoned warehouse. She pulls at the wall but has no luck breaking free.

"Sorry, those are enforced, magic-restraining bounds, I'm afraid. You won't be able to get free," Eva explains with a smug smirk. "Fortunately for you, your soul was too old for me to use you in the ritual. You're not as young as you look, dear. Your friend, however, will fit in quite nicely with my collection of children."

"Well, whoever-you-are, I don't appreciate being killed and then dragged into a creepy-ass room of some unknown location, thank you very much," Davina retorts. "If you'd be so kind to let me and these innocent kids go, that would be marvelous."

"Afraid I can't do that. I have to regain my power somehow," Eva informs her.

"At least tell me your name," Davina grinds out.

"If you insist—it's Eva Sinclair, love," Eva smiles.


~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now