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Declan, Anastasia, Davina, and Kol were all dining in a fancy restaurant located a couple towns away from New Orleans.

"Well, I sure hope that one of you is willing to pay for me," Declan sheepishly remarks, gesturing to his empty wallet. "I've got no money for such an expensive place."

"You were the one who chose it," Davina reminds him with a chuckle.

"Yes, well, looks can be deceiving, and I thought that a house wouldn't need to be leased in order for me to eat something here," he frowns.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered," Anastasia assures him.

"And how exactly do you have money, love," Kol questions her with a smirk.

Davina rifles through her purse and sighs when she sees her wallet was missing. "Did you steal my wallet?"

"Well, I didn't think you were going to need it," Anastasia shrugs, making Davina roll her eyes.

Declan just lets out a laugh before gesturing to Kol and Davina. "So, it's been ages since I've seen the two of you together last. When did that happen?" He gestures to their wedding rings.

Davina remembers that the last time Declan had seen them together was when Kol was a ghost on the other side. He didn't even know that Kol was her boyfriend at the time. "A couple months ago, and yes, we're very happy."

"I hope you won't mind me saying this, but I'm glad you got over that last love," Declan tells her. "I'd hate it if you were pining for your dead boyfriend the rest of your life." He glances at her neck and sighs. "But, I see that you still have the necklace he gave you."

"Well...I like sentimental keepsakes," Davina shrugs. "Kol doesn't mind." Her phone suddenly dings, making her sigh. "Not even twenty-four hours, and they're already calling for help."

"They can suck it up," Kol frowns and pockets his phone again. "It's not like they can't survive without us."

"Who's the 'they' you guys are referring to?"

"Our bat-shit crazy family," she answers with a chuckle. "So, I'm getting a bit tired, so why don't we find a motel near here?" Davina glances at Kol, and he wiggles his eyebrows. Motels were their favorite.

"I can't even afford this dinner, not to mention a room," Declan complains.

"Just bunk with Ana, bud," Kol suggests. "She won't bite."

"Gotcha. So, how 'bout it, Ana? Care to share your room with this guy," he questions with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure, why not?"

"Great. Now that we've got all that settled, let's leave already."


In the middle of the night, something falls on Davina's face, making her groan. She turns over and switched the bedside lamp on, only to see that their bed was covered in paper notes.

"Um, Kol? Wake up," Davina mumbles and shakes his shoulder.

Eventually, Kol sits up as well and he sighs, staring at the bed. "Well, whatever they need must be urgent if Freya decided to resort to this."

Davina frowns and opens one of the notes. Her eyes widen and she shows it to Kol. "The Hollow's in Hope."

"Oh, bloody hell."

"They want to transfer the Hollow into four immortal vampires and keep you all separate for all time," Davina says quietly.

"You can never see each other or go near each other again," he reads off the paper. "This will be the end of always and forever. Well, I have no issue  in that considering they never included me in that bloody vow, anyway."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now