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Davina's sitting in Kol's playhouse with Josh and they listen to Aiden's encounter with Klaus.

"Klaus doesn't suspect a thing," Aiden states.

"Oh! Right! Yes, I'm sure that Klaus 'Color Me Paranoid' Mikaelson totally fell for your whole, 'I came across the river for Hope's bunny' ruse," Josh exclaims sarcastically. He was clearly freaking out.

"Look, these manacles are spelled to neutralize witch power, right?" The Davina nods. "So, Davina, if you could transfer the magic from these onto something smaller? Just think about it—if the baby can't give off magic, then Dahlia won't be able to track her!"

"Smart idea, but why do you need them? I thought Hope was safe already," Davina frowns.

"Jack and Hayley are getting ready to run."

"Oh," Davina mumbles, not sure how to feel about that. "Well, uh, I...okay. If it keeps Hope safe from Dahlia, then this is our best bet. If Klaus finds out, though...I mean, they're taking his child away from him, which doesn't seem right, but it's for her sole benefit. He's just definitely not going to see it that way."

"Let me worry about that," Aiden tells her with a grim smile. "You've got enough on your plate as it is." Davina sighs and looks at the shackles with contempt.

"So," Josh prompts with a smile, trying to change the subject. "I hear you and Ana are actually sisters. How'd that happen?"

"Long story, Dahlia was involved," Davina says. "Basically, she killed our father after he abandoned me and fell in love with another witch, blah, blah, blah. Sleeping spells were ensued, and Ana ended up being born centuries later. Yes, it's weird and another reason why I want Dahlia dead."

"Huh. Well, you can add that to your family tree of complications," Aiden chuckles awkwardly.


Anastasia had come by Kol's playhouse not too long after so she and Davina could look through grimoires. Anastasia stops after a moment and looks at Davina.

"You didn't get Kol's ashes, did you?"

Davina glances up from her book and sighs. "No, I didn't. Klaus will give them to me eventually, though. It's just...last night, he had an emotional moment with Mikael before stabbing him through the heart with the white oak stake. I figured I wasn't going to get them."

"Well, that's not fair," Anastasia scoffs. "We did our part, so he should honor his end of the deal, no matter what went on last night."

"Yeah, I wish it was that simple with him." Davina turns back to her grimoire and flips through it some more. "Problem is, since Dahlia's not dead yet, he's probably going to keep Kol's ashes as leverage in case he ever needs our help. I, for one, don't want to get involved in the psycho-witch business."

Anastasia stares at Davina for a minute before also returning to her spellbook. A short while later, they can hear someone enter the tomb, so Anastasia grabs the paragon diamond and prepares to cast a spell on the intruder. Fortunately, it just turns out to be Marcel.

"Woah! Hold it, alright? It's just me. I come in peace," Marcel exclaims.

Anastasia rolls her eyes in annoyance. "You should know better than to sneak up on me."

"I wasn't sneaking. I just haven't talked to you in a while," he tells her.

"Marcel, you weren't invited to our shindig," Davina groans. "Shoo!"

"Hold your horses, Davina. I just want to talk to Ana real quick," Marcel retorts. "Look, Ana, I know you've been going through a tough time since Kol died, trying nonstop to find a way to bring him back."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now