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It's been a couple days, and now, Davina was standing at the wake at Rousseau's for Camille's uncle. Apparently, the hex had gotten so bad that Klaus had to kill him in order to save Camille. Not to mention that Kieran was turned into a vampire, so there really was no saving him.

Davina walks over to the wall, where Camille was currently leaning. She had a drink in hand, though her face had a few more scratches than before.

"Hey, there. I'm not going to ask if you're okay, because that's the stupidest thing to say to anyone, so I'm just going to hug you. No arguing on this." Camille gives Davina a small smile and the two embrace.

"Thank you, Davina. You know, I hate it when random people come up to me and say 'I'm sorry for you loss'. I mean, you hardly even knew the guy, so you shouldn't apologize for him being dead," Camille rambles. "And just look at this place. People are partying like it's Mardi Gras, like no one even died."

"If I ever bite the dust, I certainly hope people won't throw a parade," Davina sighs. "It's ridiculous. There should be a proper funeral and a mourning process. But, hey, this is a celebration of the good life he lived."

"I don't even know if I'd call it good. He spent his last moments trying to kill me, which I'm pretty sure wasn't on his bucket list. If—if only I knew how involved he was in the supernatural world. Maybe I could've tried to convince him to ditch this town, go somewhere normal."

"As sad as I am to say this, you'll never be able to escape the supernatural.  They're everywhere. It sucks, but that's the truth."

Everyone's attention is gathered when Marcel clears his throat to make a toast. "I know I haven't been around these parts lately. It's a testament to Father Kieran that we could come together and share a drink, and a story or two. Kieran rolled into town on a rusty, old cruiser after his daddy died twenty-five years ago. And dammit, that guy could party!" He, along with the crowd, laughs. "That was, of course, before he took his vows. But, even then, he was committed to the Quarter. He knew that this town needed him. And, we still do." He raises his glass. "To Father K!"

"To Father K," everyone else choruses, except for Camille, who looks like she's about to burst into tears. Davina squeezes her shoulder before allowing her to rush into the back room.


Outside, the funeral procession is walking down the street to the sounds of the jazz music being played, behind the priests acting as pallbearers for Father Kieran. Near the end of the parade is Davina, Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley, the latter of whom is flushed, and keeps having coughing fits.

"You alright," Elijah asks, raising an eyebrow. "You look-"

"A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?"

"I was going to say you look lovely," he finishes with a smile.

Hayley notices Francesca not too far away from them and frowns. "Do you think I was the target of those bombings?"

"Of course you were the target," Klaus exclaims. "Were I to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill." This remark earns a glare from Hayley. "I'd string you up for all your worshipers to view."

"Glad to see you're feeling light-hearted today, Klaus," Davina comments sarcastically. "But maybe next time, don't reference to diabolical plans when you just want your favorite werewolf to return home."

"As much as I would hate to throw her over my shoulder, and drag her kicking and screaming to the compound—and we all know I will—for the sake of my child," Klaus smiles, but the other three roll their eyes.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora