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Davina smiles as she looks at her phone. Hayley had sent her a picture of Hope, which was requested to be deleted right after. Not that she had seen Hope when she was a newborn, but it looked like she was getting pretty big. Adorable, too.

To make sure that Hope stayed a secret, Davina deletes the picture before walking into her bedroom. "Oh—wait...what the hell?" Kol was standing in her room, but that wasn't the part that confused her. He was in his original body, which makes Davina raise her eyebrows. "Uh..."

"Hello, darling," he greets with a smirk. "Happy to see me like this?"

"I'm confused," she deadpans. "How did this happen? Why are you—how are you in your original body? Did you do a spell?"

"How this happened isn't important," Kol smiles and approaches her. "What matters is that you're here."

"Of course I'm here," Davina trails off, bewildered. "This is my bedroom."

"It seems very fitting for you. Not a lot of color, pretty blank. It's dull, just like you."

"Excuse me?"

Suddenly, he speeds forward and pushes her against the wall in a chokehold. "I've been waiting ages to wake up so that I could do this to you, little witch," he growls. "Did you really think that you could escape from me?"

"Damnit," Davina gasps as her airway was being squeezed. "Dahlia—lovely to see you."

"Shame the feeling's not mutual. You ran away, but I will always find you. In case you've forgotten, we are linked. Always and forever," the hallucination mocks.

Davina coughs as she's beginning to feel lightheaded. "Why are you appearing to me as Kol?"

"Well, because I know how much you love this face. I'm hoping I can ruin it a bit for you."

"Stop," she whispers.

"You will not run from me again, little witch. I own you. You and Freya, and soon, you'll both be back in my possession." Suddenly, the hallucination of Kol disappears, causing Davina to fall to the floor in a heap.


Moments later, Davina's still lying on the floor when Kol enters the room with a panicked look on his face.

"Bloody hell. Are you okay, love? Why are you on the ground?" He helps her up, only to see the beginnings of bruises in shapes of handprints. "Did someone try to strangle you?"

"Seeing as you look like present-Kol," Davina says hoarsely, "I'm going to assume that you're not another hallucination. Hi, there, I just got choked by Dahlia's visionary, which, by the way, was in the form of your original body."

"W—What did it say?"

"Not much—I got the gist, though. I am thoroughly screwed for eternal life. She's right, though. I guess she does own Freya and I. I'm practically branded to her with this stupid immortality spell. Ugh, I'm going to need to get a healing salve for my neck. It hurts."

"Let me take care of you, alright? I'll get the stuff and fix you up real nice," Kol tells her.

"Okay, that's—yeah, okay. I'll wait here, I guess," Davina replies and lays back on her bed. "Ouch."


After Kol had healed her neck, at least enough so that it didn't hurt, Davina shuffled her way down the stairs and into his room. He was currently unpacking his things, which wasn't that much, to be honest.

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now