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Davina's standing in front of Anastasia's grave, along with Kol, Josh, and Vincent, for her funeral.

"And even now, the words of Ecclesiasticus are ringing in my ears, they're saying vengeance as a lion shall lie in wait for them," Vincent says before stepping back.

Josh then steps forward and begins his speech. "A while ago—forever ago—I told Davina and Ana a story about my first boyfriend but what I didn't tell them was that I had never shared that story with anyone else. Ana was like a sister and a best friend and I loved her. I wish that..." He trails off, unable to finish.

"I'm sorry," Davina mumbles and shakes her head. "If I'm going to say goodbye, it's not going to be to a rock." She feels Kol squeeze her hand in a comforting manner.

"Words aren't any good," Marcel sighs, resting his hand on her tomb. "The Mikaelsons need to answer for this. I'm going to make them answer. I promise."

"Marcel-" Before Davina could say anything else, he speeds away, causing her to frown.


Davina makes her way to Camille's wake, though she feels a bit uncomfortable being there. She takes a glass of whiskey and downs it all at once with ease.


She looks up and sees both Elijah and Klaus staring at her. "No, please. Don't say anything. You needed to kill Lucien, I get it. You just should've taken me."

"We all know that wasn't an option," Elijah states.

"And using my sister was? I'm sorry, I can't talk about this right now. Let's focus on Cami. After all, this is her wake," Davina states and begins to walk away.

"Oh-ho, long time, no see," a familiar voice remarks from behind her.

Davina pauses and breaks into a slight smile before turning around. "If it isn't my old traveling buddy," she chuckles. "Hi, Declan." The two engage in a tight hug.

"So, I'm here...at my cousin's wake," he sighs. "I can't believe Cami died just like that. Do you know what happened?"

"It was an accident," Davina frowns. "A very unfortunate accident."

"I didn't even get to say goodbye to her..."

"Oh, trust me, I know the feeling," she snorts. "But I'm sure her ghost appreciates the fact that you're skipping college to attend her wake."

"Well, I've been skipping college for the past few weeks," Declan admits with a smirk.

"I guess I should've expected that," Davina replies with a good-natured roll of her eyes.

"Will I see you around before I, too, bite the dust?"

"You can count on it," she assures him. "Ring me up if you ever want to go on any more travels. I'm sure I could free up my schedule for you."

"Ah, what a devoted wingwoman you are," Declan comments with a smile.


Davina walks into her bedroom and sees that her record player was currently on. She frowns and moves the needle before sighing. Suddenly, she hears eerie whispering around the room.

"Um, hello? Who exactly is doing this?" The door slams shut and Anastasia's ghost appears in her mirror just then, causing Davina to widen her eyes. "Oh, my god. Ana..."

~E v e r l a s t i n g~ {book two}Where stories live. Discover now