When you wear a bikini

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I know I always say this is for both genders but this was requested by my friend.


He entered the house and saw you in a bikini. He stared before asking why your wearing such revealing clothes. Just smile and said it's too warm. He did his shirt off and said to wear it. ask why. He said he doesn't want Mordecai or Axton staring. You roll eyes and did the shirt on.


She and you both at the beach. She glared when Salvador looked at you. You just roll eyes and told her to stop being so jealous. She said people need to stop staring then. You just sighed and pat her back before laying back down on the towel.


You maked a dare with Zer0 and lost so now are gonna get a tattoo. You just wore bikini since it's gonna be on (Body part you want the tattoo on). Brick was just glaring at the tattoo artist as he did the tattoo on you. You roll eyes and told him to stop glaring. Brick said you could have just worn your clothes. Shrugged saying it's too warm and this is easier.


on Pandora it can become really warm out of nowhere and then suddenly cold. Now it was warmest day of the year. You were just sniping some bandits who were staring. Mordecai handed you a cold drink and asked what your doing. You shrugged and said just shooting whoever is staring. He pat your back and said thx for doing his job. Chuckle at his lame little joke.

Handsome Jack:

Ow, you do it daily. And Jack loves. You were just making pancakes when Jack suddenly had his hands on your body. He said he wants to do something more fun then just making pancakes. Said pancakes more important. Took your plate and left so he yelled it's mean to leave him with a boner. You just laugh and ate pancakes while he stormed to the bathroom.

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