What they thought of you when you both first met (Part One)

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I'm doing this in two parts because it's taking REALLY long to write and I have other things to write so I figure I might as well write it in two parts.

Requested by: HatoriXsohma


He found you a good "soldier". You did your missions without any complaining, had a good friendship with the others and had this weird type of humor that always makes him chuckle.


She didn't think much of you at first. She just thought that you were in the way most of the time since you love to kill so you stole most of her kills, which angered her. But after she spoke to you few times, she got used to you and began thinking positive of you.


He found you cute when you both met. Roland introduced him to you since you both had to work together. Of course he first tested you in his "arena". The second he revealed who he was, he gave you a big hug and yelled you are so adorable. It was a big annoying how he found everything you did cute.


He just thought you were sexy. When Bloodwing suddenly went to your shoulder, he immediatly knew you were special and he began thinking of you everyday.

Handsome Jack:

Well, you kinda pushed a gun in his face when you both first met so his first thoughts of you were, "Fuck, this cupcake is sexy and badass!" When you left, he couldn't stop thinking of dirty things to do to you.

Dr Zed:

You came in with your whole arm cut open so all he could think was, "Can these Vault Hunters never be more careful?" While he was stitching it close and you both were talking, he couldn't help but think of how nice and funny you are. So when you left, he kept wishing to himself that you would come visit him again.


He had to take an ECHO from Moxxi but while at the bar, you were talking to Moxxi. So while waiting, Axton was just staring at you, thinking of how beautiful you are and how he loves your gun choice. He got the spark he felt when he met first met his ex wife so he automatically knew you were gonna be someone special to him.


When she saw you, she just thought you were a good fighter and didn't think more or less of you then that. Eventually she did begin thinking that you have annoying yet funny humor and are beautiful.


He thought your reactions were adorable whenever he displayed an emoji on his helmet. You got all excited which maked him find you really cute. So he basically would spent just hours displaying emojis to see your reactions to them.

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