When you ignore them

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He ignores you a lot since he is always reading. You choose to give him the same treatment. He didn't seem to notice all day. Eventually you just threw your book against him, yelling he is such a weirdo. He glared. Both argued while Lilith and Mordecai just staring from the sofa, enjoying this.


She doesn't care normally if you do but now she wanted food and you were ignoring her. Her solution? Pour water all over you which of course maked you turn and yell asking what her problem is. She said she wants food. All you could do was huff and storm off to go change. But of course you still maked her food because she was already filling a bucket with water.


He was confused as you didn't speak to him. So he asked Lilith what he can do. she shrugged and said give you gifts. So Brick bought flowers and chocolate. You were confused but then laughed. Said you were mad at Mordecai, not him. Brick and you just stared in awkward silence before he asked if your sad now. You just laughed and said your happy. Both ate the chocolate and watch Roland and Lilith training.


He asked if you wanna go for a walk but you just ignored him. You just wanted to see what he will do if you ignore him. His solution? He threw you over his shoulder and went on the walk. You tried to get off but he didn't let go. Eventually you spoke so he let go. Both had a nice walk and then both went to Moxxi's bar and got wasted.

Handsome Jack:

He noticed you ignoring him so he asked what wrong is. You just ignored him and continue reading. Yell in anger when he suddenly threw the book across the room and held your neck. He said not to ignore him. You quickly nodded before explaining you were too much in the book. He luckily didn't give you a punishment for ignoring him and yelling at him.

Dr. Zed:

You were ignoring him. He found it childish so he ignored you, too. Eventually he got tired and tried to speak to you. You just turned. His solution? Chase you around with a needle and thread, yelling to talk back or he will stitch your mouth close. You tried best to keep quiet but soon he caught you so yelled random stuff for him to let go.


You were mad at him because he said something mean to you. He noticed so he gave you a shoulder massage and said in a teasing voice you can't stay mad. So all you did was do your middle finger up. Tried not to laugh when he began kissing your neck and also tickling your sides. Eventually laughed and told him to stop. He just smirked and gave you a kiss.


She sometimes just runs her mouth which can sometimes make mean things come out. And she said something mean about you. You were now ignoring her. She apologized but you didn't care. She got an idea and went in front of you, stealing your book. You glare. She suddenly began doing some cool stuff with her Siren powers. It maked you stare in amaze before you laughed and said she's forgiven.


He said something mean so you ignored him. He knew it was mean to say so he went to some flowers and cut some. He put them together before he went back to you. His face was red while he layed the flowers in front of you. He said he's truly sorry. You knew he meant it because his eyes were even saying sorry. You hugged him and said it's okay.


You did something embarrassing so ignored everyone. Sat on bed, blanket over you. Zer0 watching from the end of the bed as you weren't speaking to him. He took the blanket and crawled under. He poked your knee but you just hug them and cover face. He did his mask off and kissed your hands that were covering mouth. It maked you look through your fingers. He gave a small smile and sat between your legs. He began playing with your hair as he began speaking about stuff to distract you from remembering the embarrassing moment. Eventually you hugged him and spoke back.


You were having a bad day so ignored everyone. He noticed so he left the house. When he came back, he had a cake and some fun boardgames to cheer you up. Of course you couldn't stay mad at him. Both at the cake and played games till midnight. Laughed everytime he yelled about random stuff.


If you ignore her, she will begin kissing your neck, playing with your hair or just throw candy at you. When you give her your attenion, she will just give you a kiss and then leave. It annoys you so hard that she does it and then not even need anything!


He was confused. He tried to speak to you but you just ignored him which maked awkward silence come. Eventually he left the house and came back with a lot of food. Of course you couldn't stay mad and ignore him. Hug him and said thank you. He just gave a dorky smile before both eating.

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