You say 'I hate you' as a joke

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Requests are always open! Sorry if updates are slow, I was just playing Valkyria so that took a lot of my freetime.

I maked a Life Is Strange Lover Scenario book! Please check it out.


You were bored and wanted to see his reaction. So you said it. He just stared at you before he took your hands and asked if he did something wrong. You couldn't help but laugh and hug him. Said it was just a joke. He sighed and said not to scare him like that.


You told her and she began yelling, asking why. When she finally took a second to take some air in, you quickly yell it was a joke. She stared before taking her gun so ran. She yelled not to say such mean things. You just ran for life to Scooter's place to go hide there.


You were angry with him so choose to say it. It turned into an argument. Both yelling back and forward. Mordecai sipping his beer, watching the little show. You yell you were just joking. Brick suddenly picked you up and hugged you and yelled never to do that again. Look over at Mordecai for help but he just laughed and shook his head.


You wanted to see his reaction because he never gives a big reaction when you say you love him. So choose to say I hate you. When you told him, he left to Moxxi's. It maked you sad he just left to go drink like normal. But when you went to go pick him up, he was crying. Moxxi shrugged so sighed. Drag Mordecai back and ask what wrong is. He said you don't love him. You were shocked before sighing. Said it was a joke. He stared at you as if your the most evil person ever. But then he passed out.

Handsome Jack:

You were curious so told him you hate him. All he did was pin you against his wall and ask if your sure about that. You just blush and shook head. He laughed and said he's still gonna fuck you though. He kissed you so chuckle before kissing back.

Dr. Zed:

He was just on his break. He looked bored so choose to make him do something. Went to hima dn said you hate him. He almost dropped the syringe but he catched it on time. He asked what your problem is. Your a bad liar so laughed and said it was just a stupid joke. He glared and said your taking over his shift tomorrow.


You were bored and he was boring. Smirk and act angry. Said you hate him so much. His head immediatly turned to you, his eyes wide. He suddenly hugged you and asked why. You said he didn't buy you any food. He pulled away with annoyed eyes. He asked if your joking. You laugh and nod. He rolled his eyes and said he will go buy food. You just cheer and lay back down ont he sofa.


She was training. You just stared as she was looking badass. Mumble a I hate you. Maya turned and asked what. You yell she's so badass and your not. She stared before she chuckled. She pat your head and said to come train with her then. Just did middle finger up saying she teased you the other time you joined.


You walk up to him and said it. He stopped cleaning his gun and asked if your sick. You just roll eyes and said no fun reaction. He said he knew you were joking because he overheard you and Lilith discussing this.


You went to him, serious face. You punch his chest and said you hate him. All he did was make a ? come on his helmet. Then a </3? came over his helmet. You began feeling bad so hug him, yelling your sorry and it was a joke. Then he gave a smile emoji and hugged you back.


You went to her and said I hate you. She began yelling, asking what she did. She shook your shoulders so you began feeling sick. She yelled she was just fixing her robot. You laugh and took her hands off you before hugging her. Said it was a joke. She punched you so groan. She yelled not to make such bad jokes.


You love his reactions so choose to go with I hate you. You went up to him, cross arms. He gave a confused look. You said the sentence. He stared as if your insane before he began yelling weird stuff about hating other boys and girls. Your assuming he must think you found someone else. You were on the floor, dying of laughter. Took his hand and said you were joking. He hugged you and said your hair smells good. You just chuckle and said thx.

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