When you come back from a long mission

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So, I rewatched Monster High for some good old memories so now I wanna make a Scenario book of it but I'm not sure if anyone will even read it. So should I make it? After weeks, I'm still hesitating to make a Clone Wars or Pokemon Scenario book... I really wanna make one of these three but I'm too nervous to make one because I'm not sure if anyone will even read it. So please give your opinions on whether I should make them or not.

Some might have noticed I leave out Salvador sometimes, it's because I don't like him and just wanna insult him everytime so I choose to just leave him out. For those who want me to add the Borderlands 3 characters, I will only add them once I played the game so please no asking for them!

Requested by: JohnnyTheEpic


He will act as if he didn't miss you and he was okay which will make you sad a bit but know it's an act and he missed you like crazy. So when you hug him, he won't hesitate to hug back tightly and say never to leave for so long again. Will just chuckle and say you will try.


You got back to see Lilith practicing her powers. When you said her name, she was fast to turn then jump on you and hug you tightly, yelling she missed you a lot. Just chuckle and hug her back, saying you also missed her. She said she will first get changed out her sweaty clothes and then listen to your stories. So when she got changed and listened, she kept saying how she could would have killed everyone who hurt you.


When you came back, you got in a bone-crushing hug. You just yelled he's gonna kill you but he ignored and happy jumped around, yelling how he missed you and how you missed out on all the fun he had killing bandits. So both told each other stories, basically seeing who killed more and had more fun in their journey.


He will act as if he doesn't care and wasn't lonely. You will get sad and walk away but he will be faster to hug you from behind and mumble he was so sorry. Will just chuckle and turn in his arms then kiss him before hugging back.

Handsome Jack:

Most of the times he will come along but sometimes that's impossible with his work. So when you come back, he will pull you on his lap and complain about how he wanted to come along. Will just laugh it off and kiss him, sarcastically saying you also missed him. He will just smile and begin kissing your neck while his hands are already working on your pants. Basically when you come back, he will fuck you on his desk as a way to say "welcome back, cupcake!".

Dr Zed:

When you come back, he will hug you. Then he will begin inspecting your body, making sure your okay and not injured. When you say your okay, he will ignore you and say he doesn't want his boy/girlfriend injured. While he inspects your body, will tell about stuff that happened on your journey.


The second you walk in Sanctuary, he will run over and do his arms around your waist then lift you in the air with ease and a big grin. He will yell happily about how happy he is your back. You will just laugh and hold his shoulders for balance, saying he better not let you fall. He will let go and put you down then ask what happened. Will tell your stories and he will listen excitedly. In the end he will complain about how he wishes he could have joined in on the action.


When you came back, she casually said hey and both talked normal. You found it weird how you didn't get an overdramatic greeting. But later found out by Lilith that Maya stayed up all night, waiting for you to come back, so she didn't have the energie to hug you or rant on about how she missed you.


When you come back, the first thing he will do is display a <3 on his helmet and give you a sweet haiku. Will just laugh and hug him, saying thx. He will hug back tightly in a way that said he missed you a lot and is happy to see you again.


When you came back, were fast in air with Krieg holding you as if your a toddler. He began yelling about missing a train which you assume means he missed you. All you did was nervously pat his head, saying you also missed him. He hugged you tightly then and walked around, holding you with no problem. Just let him and happy told him about your journey as he listened.


Normally when you come back, she will be ready and hug you. But this time she was too busy fixing Deathtrap so went behind her and pat her shoulder. Her reaction? Turn and punch you right in the face. When she noticed who you are, she was fast to yell she's sorry and say she thought you weren't gonna be back so soon. You just mumble your never gonna surprise her again so she chuckled and helped you up. So you told her the stories while she held an icepack to your eye.


You enter the apartment only to see dinner ready and a really happy Rhys at the door, bouncing up and down a bit in excitment. Just chuckle it off and hug him as he basically jumped on you. He excitedly said he maked dinner so you can explain your stories while eating. Best welcome back you ever got. Ate your favorite meal while telling him everything that happened on your journey as Rhys listened excitedly.


When you come back from a long mission, he will be fast to hug you and say how lonely he was and happy he is your safe. Will just laugh and hug back, saying you also missed him. When you let go, he won't so will awkwardly say his name. He will just shake his head and say he's too happy he doesn't wanna let go. Will just laugh and walk to the kitchen to go eat with him hugging you the whole time.


She will drop her plate full of drinks on the nearest table and hug you. Forcing your face in her breasts as she will spin, yelling how much she missed you. After getting out her dead grip and finally getting air, will smile and say your happy to be back. She will serve you many drinks and give you some food, asking what happened. She will be excited to hear all your stories. So you will gladly tell her.

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