They propose to you

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I have no ideas left for this book and I have made two new Scenario books, The Arcana x Reader Scenarios and Miraculous Ladybug Scenarios, so I'm very busy. So I thought... It's probably time to end this book. And this is probably the best scenario to end it with.


He thought about it for a long time and he realized life is short so he should do it while he's still alive. So one day, while you were cleaning your gun, he suddenly walked over and held out a tiny box, mumbling he's too embarrassed to ask it. you were confused but when you opened the box and saw the fancy ring, put two and two together, grin before saying you would be happy to marry him.


It was just a simple conversation which somehow ended up about marriage. She asked if you would want to marry her and you said yes so she smirked then said cool. She wanted to leave but then she awkward asked if you also want a ring or not. You just laughed then said a ring is not needed.


He didn't use a ring because he just got the idea when he finished beating up a dude. So when he saw you finish shooting some bandits, he asked if you would marry him. It took you a whole minute to process what just happened then smile and said yes. He grinned then gave you a big bear hug, twirling you then just carried you to the car, happy ranting on about how the wedding will look.


He does not like marriages. But when he told Roland about it since it kept bothering him because he wants you as his wife/husband but he does not want the whole embarrassing marriage thing. But when Roland said if he truly loves you he would do it, Mordecai was fast out the place and searching for a ring. So when you turned and saw a ring been held infront of you, you almost slapped him out of shock and surprise then sigh and ask why he's holding a ring infront of you. He just rolled his eyes then said he's proposing. You just mumbled that's not how people propose then grin and said of course you would marry him.

Handsome Jack:

He didn't go on his knees when he asked his wife but for you? He got on his knees with the most expensive ring he could find. He might have confidence in his tone when he asked you if you will marry him, but the truth is he was very scared, scared that you will decline him. But he got so happy when you cried out a yes, he immediatly jumped up and gave you kisses all over your face then put the ring on your finger. One thing you know for sure, Jack is gonna throw the most expensive wedding in history.

Dr Zed:

You both were arguing about some medical stuff which somehow ended up with him shouting he wants to be with you forever. Both just stared at each other, confused what's going on. Suddenly he shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out a ring, saying he wanted to propose differently but doesn't know how. You just laugh while holding out hand, saying this is good enough for you. After he put it on your finger, he gave you a kiss while mumbling he's sorry for arguing with you.


You thought he would make a big deal out of it but he just asked it after you both had sex. When you said yes, he was fast to pull you to him, kissing you while saying this deserves a round two.


You were walking when you saw flowers laying as if they want you to follow them, so you did. Either this will end up with someone trying to murder you at the end or a nice surprise. Are so happy when it was a nice surprise. On the floor layed flowers forming the words "Will you marry me?" with Maya standing behind it, holding a box with an expensive ring inside.

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